
Ministry of Commerce: Work with relevant departments to issue a notice as soon as possible to further improve the work of old-for-new exchange of automobiles and home appliances


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Cailianshe reported on August 2 that the State Council Information Office held a series of themed press conferences on "Promoting High-quality Development" at 10 a.m. today. Li Yongyan, Deputy Representative of International Trade Negotiations of the Ministry of Commerce (Deputy Ministerial Level), and others attended the press conference to introduce the situation and answer questions from reporters.

Ministry of Commerce: Promote the construction of a unified national market and steadily expand institutional opening-up

Li Yongyan, deputy representative of the Ministry of Commerce for international trade negotiations, said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today that the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, which just concluded, made systematic arrangements for further deepening reform in an all-round way. The Ministry of Commerce will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the meeting, promote the construction of a unified national market, steadily expand institutional opening-up, deepen foreign trade system reform, deepen foreign investment and outbound investment management system reform, optimize the regional opening-up layout, and improve the high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road" mechanism, so as to make new contributions to promoting Chinese-style modernization with the actual results of business reform and development.

Ministry of Commerce: We will use multiple bilateral mechanisms to help companies actively respond to unreasonable trade restrictions

Li Yongyan said that at present, the complexity and severity of the external environment have increased, and we must fully estimate the severity of the difficulties and challenges in the field of foreign trade. Many international organizations believe that global trade in goods has been in a moderate recovery range since the beginning of this year, but geopolitical tensions, increased trade restrictions, and intensified industrial policy competition among countries may have a significant negative impact. The latest monitoring of the WTO shows that the import restrictions adopted by members have increased significantly. The measures that have come into effect in 2024 are expected to affect US$2.3 trillion in imports, accounting for 9.7% of the world's total imports, the highest level since 2020. To achieve the goal of increasing the quality and quantity of foreign trade throughout the year, the key is to continue to work hard in the second half of the year. We will make good use of multiple bilateral mechanisms to help companies actively respond to unreasonable trade restrictions, support more companies to expand international markets based on platforms such as the Canton Fair, strive to create a stable and predictable trade policy environment, increase efforts to cultivate new momentum for foreign trade, and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of foreign trade. At the same time, we will continue to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with trading partners and jointly maintain the stability and smooth flow of the global industrial chain and supply chain.

Ministry of Commerce: Encourage cross-border e-commerce platforms to expand product categories and service functions

Li Xingqian, Director of the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Commerce, said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today that China will deepen international cooperation, actively participate in international multilateral and bilateral negotiations, and use the bilateral economic and trade joint committee and trade facilitation working group as communication mechanisms to promote the experience, practices and achievements of my country's cross-border e-commerce development. China will vigorously develop "Silk Road e-commerce" and support cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones, industries and enterprises to actively carry out international exchanges and cooperation. China encourages cross-border e-commerce platforms to expand the categories of goods and service functions, and supports the healthy development of consumer goods e-commerce platforms that are mainly oriented to the C-end, as well as the innovative development of industrial equipment, semi-finished products and parts e-commerce platforms that are mainly oriented to the B-end.

Ministry of Commerce: We are studying and formulating a comprehensive document to implement the free trade pilot zone enhancement strategy

Zhu Bing, Director of the Foreign Investment Administration Department of the Ministry of Commerce, said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today that we should strengthen overall planning and system integration to enhance the functions of the comprehensive experimental platform for reform and opening up. We will further enhance the systematic, holistic and coordinated nature of reforms by focusing on the in-depth implementation of the free trade pilot zone enhancement strategy. At present, we are studying and formulating a comprehensive document on the implementation of the free trade pilot zone enhancement strategy, and will launch a number of leading and integrated reform measures to explore more successful experiences that can be replicated and promoted for comprehensively deepening reforms.

Ministry of Commerce: Will support each free trade pilot zone to further deepen differentiated exploration

Zhu Bing said that the integrated innovation of the entire industrial chain will be strengthened to enhance the development momentum of new quality productivity. We will support each free trade pilot zone to further deepen differentiated exploration, give full play to the advantages of good industrial foundation, high concentration and strong innovation, focus on key areas such as bulk commodities, biomedicine, equipment manufacturing, and marine economy, promote the innovative development of the entire industrial chain, and strive to form more institutionalized innovative results in the development of new quality productivity.

Ministry of Commerce: We will conduct in-depth research on further opening up the commodity market, service market, capital market, etc. based on the free trade pilot zone

Zhu Bing said that we should deeply connect with international high-standard economic and trade rules and improve the level of institutional opening-up. In terms of rule connection, we will do a good job in the implementation, summary evaluation and replication and promotion of the pilot projects of connecting the free trade pilot zones with international high-standard economic and trade rules, and promote the release of policy dividends on a larger scale. At the same time, we will strengthen the forward-looking research of rules, carry out new pilot tests in the fields of property rights protection, environment, government procurement, e-commerce, finance, etc., and realize the intercommunication and compatibility of rules, regulations, management and standards. In terms of opening up in key areas, we will conduct in-depth research on relying on the free trade pilot zones to further expand the opening up of commodity markets, service markets, capital markets, etc., and take the two negative lists of foreign investment access and cross-border service trade as important work starting points to promote the first opening up of related service fields.

Ministry of Commerce: Support local governments to independently improve their old-for-new capabilities and guide them to promptly improve supporting measures

Xu Xingfeng, Director of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce, said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today that we support local governments to improve their ability to trade in old cars for new cars, guide local governments to improve supporting measures in a timely manner, do a good job in organization and implementation, further optimize the review and fund allocation of subsidies, speed up the review and improve the quality of services, open up the "last mile" of applying for subsidies, and try to shorten the time from consumers applying to receiving subsidy funds. We have implemented measures to promote the convenient sale of used cars, handle car cancellation registration online, and "reverse invoicing" by recycling companies. These are all supporting measures to implement trade-in, smooth the "venous circulation" of trade-in, and continuously improve the recycling system of renewable resources, so that consumers can handle waste materials more conveniently.

Ministry of Commerce: We will promote the issuance of comprehensive documents to promote high-quality development of service consumption and promote orderly opening up in the fields of telecommunications, Internet, education, culture, and medical care

Xu Xingfeng said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today that consumers are increasingly paying attention to spiritual pleasure and physical and mental health, and service consumption is also an important measure for the next step of consumption expansion and upgrading. We will promote the introduction of comprehensive documents to promote high-quality development of service consumption, promote orderly opening up of telecommunications, the Internet, education, culture, and medical fields, support cultural tourism, elderly care, childcare, and housekeeping consumption, and meet the needs of residents for service consumption.

Ministry of Commerce: Strengthen new consumption and create new growth points for consumption

Xu Xingfeng said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today that new consumption should be strengthened and new growth points for consumption should be created. From a long-term perspective, new growth points for consumption should be cultivated. New technologies, new formats and new models have also given rise to emerging consumption such as digital consumption, green consumption and healthy consumption. These are some new spaces in the consumer field. We will develop digital consumption, implement the digital consumption promotion action in depth, and hold the "Digital Commerce to Promote Agriculture and Celebrate the Harvest" and "Silk Road Cloud Products E-commerce Festival" activities. Green consumption, continue to promote new energy vehicles, green smart home appliances, and green building materials to go to the countryside. We also need to expand smart consumption, "artificial intelligence + consumption" application scenarios, and expand smart consumption such as smart homes, mobile phones, and wearable devices. Promote healthy consumption, continue to carry out a series of healthy consumption activities, and bring healthy consumption into thousands of households.

Ministry of Commerce: It is necessary to coordinate policies and work with relevant departments to issue a notice as soon as possible to further improve the work of old-for-new exchange of automobiles and home appliances

Xu Xingfeng said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today that the support policy has been adjusted, the support range has been increased, and the supported categories have been expanded. We must do a good job in connecting the previous and subsequent policies. We will work with relevant departments to issue a notice as soon as possible to further improve the work of old-for-new for automobiles and home appliances, and issue work guidelines for "renewal" of home decoration kitchens and bathrooms, and an implementation plan for old-for-new for electric bicycles. The policy of old-for-new for automobiles should also be retroactive. Those who have enjoyed a subsidy of 10,000 yuan in the past and have already enjoyed it should also make up the difference according to the standard of 20,000 yuan. Consumers who consumed early should not suffer losses. This is also a manifestation of policy connection.

Ministry of Commerce: We must accelerate the cultivation of international consumer center cities

Xu Xingfeng said that it is necessary to accelerate the cultivation of international consumption center cities, use them as pilots to reduce restrictive measures on consumption, implement the initial public offering economy, and enhance the commercial capacity of cities. The rural circulation system should be continuously improved to further release the consumption potential of rural areas.