
How to measure the water content in vegetation soil? my country conducts this experiment for the first time


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Source: CCTV News Client

Recently, a scientific research team composed of the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Aerospace Information Innovation and other units jointly carried out remote sensing experiments in the Luanhe River Basin.The world's first "soil-vegetation-atmosphere" continuum moisture perspective remote sensing experiment based on an aerial platform, providing advanced technical means to promote ecological conservation and practice green development.

Accurately capture the internal water content of vegetation soil

It is reported that the Luanhe River Basin is a complex ecosystem composed of many elements such as mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grasslands, and sand. It is an ideal place to explore and verify advanced remote sensing technology.

In this experiment, the research team used the national major scientific and technological infrastructure - the aerial remote sensing system to carry out precise observations of forests, farmlands and grasslands in Saihanba, Yudaokou and other places. The aerial remote sensing system is a national-level aerial remote sensing system based on the Xianzhou 60 aircraft and integrates six types of earth observation windows. It is currently the most comprehensive aerial remote sensing platform in my country.

This experiment was equipped with my country's latest independently developed one-dimensional synthetic aperture microwave radiometer, which has higher spatial resolution than traditional microwave radiometers and can accurately capture the water content inside vegetation and soil.

Improve the effect of agricultural water-saving irrigation and promote water conservancy disaster prevention and reduction

The data from this experiment can help scientific researchers further understand crop water utilization strategies and efficiency, improve agricultural water-saving irrigation effects, recognize the water conservation and regulation functions of forests, and promote water conservancy disaster prevention and mitigation.

At the same time, the experiment will alsoProvide technical support for the processing and innovative application of new payload observation data of domestic satellites such as land water resources satellites and ocean salinity detection satellites