
If I keep talking, I hope you keep


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A few days ago, I received a message from a classmate named "Harry Ganggang".

He has been following Wu Xiaobo's channel for 9 years and has left 17 messages. In his opinion, this might be the last message. He wrote:

Hello, Mr. Wu. I am fortunate to be your long-term reader. I have experienced the workplace and entrepreneurship, and I have come step by step. Today, I am entangled in whether I have money to renew my subscription. I feel ashamed. Holding on to the last drop of blood may be the fate of entrepreneurs. I still remember the New Year's Eve speech at the end of 2022. We can still be full of confidence. The infinite vision for 2023, the little girl who will not get tired of the pot, makes people cry. We must believe that farmers can farm and entrepreneurs can run businesses. Su Dongpo is open-minded and optimistic in the face of adversity.
However, at this moment, just as you don’t know if there will be a next book, our small team doesn’t know when the next customer order will come. If everyone’s life will experience a huge change in the industry, it will bring about a violent shock to the original ecological niche. Accepting the roar of the storm is inevitable, rushing through the storm, and being crushed by the hurricane will all be unsurprising results. I really can’t afford to buy a membership anymore. See you later, Teacher Wu.

Seeing this message, my heart was really broken, so broken that I read it several times. "Harry just now" must have listened to a few of my year-end shows. Looking through his previous messages, he also came to the Xiamen year-end show in 2020. He is an entrepreneur who is waiting for the last order that may never come.

I think the message he left on the channel was written to me and also to himself, and it was a small summary of the past years of entrepreneurship.

I'm not a very good comforter, but I still want to say to "Harry just now":

First, don’t regret the efforts you have made.

I think starting a business is a very tragic scene. You go through all the processes and they become part of your life. I think whether it is success, failure, sunshine or storm, everything you experience is worth it for your life.

Second, you must maintain a positive attitude, never doubt yourself, and never give up on yourself. You are the best.

Even if your business fails miserably and your life is in a mess today, I think you are still the person with a strong heart. Nothing is more important than this. As long as this self-confidence is still there, no matter what position you are in, what city you are in, or what job you are doing, you are still the trustworthy and positive person.

Third, I am very willing to accompany you in the years to come.

Hope you can still be a member of the channel. You will be a lifetime free member of this program.If I keep talking, I hope you will always be here.

This year's year-end show should still be held in Xiamen. You are welcome to come, you are welcome to sit in the audience, and welcome the new and perhaps more cruel year together.

We are all very hard-working people. We work until we can’t do anything more, and then we try harder. But even if our careers are destroyed, we are still determined to live every day well.

These two sentences are what touched me the most this year. I give them to myself, to you, and to all my friends who are listening.

We must work hard, try until we can no longer do anything, and then try harder. At the same time, we must be determined to live every day well.

"Looking outward" and "looking inward" are two compulsory courses for entrepreneurs in the new cycle. From September 6 to September 8, the autumn course of "Wu Xiaobo Quarterly Lecture" "Cycles and Chinese Enterprise Strategic Paradigms" will be launched in Wuyishan, Fujian. Welcome to join Mr. Wu.