
Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport's new fourth runway flight check completed successfully


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The reporter learned from Chongqing Airport Group thatOn August 1, the flight inspection work of the newly built fourth runway of Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport, which lasted for more than 20 days, was successfully completed. This indicates that the runway and taxiway system of the newly built fourth runway of Jiangbei Airport and related navigation equipment, navigation lighting system, approach and departure procedures, etc. are ready for use, laying a solid foundation for subsequent test flights and formal operation.

Flight calibration is a prerequisite before the runway and taxiway system is put into operation. It is achieved by using flight calibration aircraft equipped with professional calibration equipment to inspect and test the relevant support systems to ensure flight safety.

At present, the curtain wall and metal roof of Terminal T3B have been basically completed, and large-scale interior decoration construction and mechanical and electrical equipment installation and other projects are underway. It is expected that by the end of 2024, Terminal T3B and the fourth runway will be completed and will be put into use in the first quarter of 2025. By then, Chongqing Jiangbei Airport will have four runways and four terminals.It will meet the demands of annual passenger throughput of 80 million, aircraft take-offs and landings of 580,000 times, and cargo and mail throughput of 1.2 million tons, and further enhance the capacity of the international aviation hub.

(Reporters Li Hongmiao and Zhang Bojun)

(CCTV News Client)