
Kankan News accesses Hongmeng Intent Framework System


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On July 25, 2024, the Hongmeng Galaxy 1.1.1 version of the Kankan News client was officially launched on the HarmonyOS app market. Kankan News will make full use of the full-scenario, native intelligence, and native security advantages of the HarmonyOS system to provide users with a smoother, more efficient, and safer news information service experience on multiple terminals such as mobile phones, tablets, car machines, and smart screens.

As a leading all-media comprehensive cultural industry group in China, Shanghai Radio and Television has continued to seek innovation and change in recent years, unswervingly promoted the development of media integration, and established a three-dimensional all-media integrated communication system. Kankan News APP is a leading brand of Internet video news and one of the most core news new media products created by the Shanghai Radio and Television Media Integration Center. Over the years, it has achieved remarkable reform results in communication platform construction, business process reengineering, integrated business expansion, and system and mechanism innovation. Its communication power, influence, and competitiveness have continued to increase. It has initially become one of the most influential news new media products among provincial radio and television media in the country. Over the years, it has won many titles such as "National Radio and Television Media Integration Typical Case", "National Radio and Television Media Integration Pioneer Unit", "New Era·New Brand·New Influence" Radio and Television Media Integration New Brand "News Brand" and so on selected by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

With "Kankan News" as its core, the Shanghai Radio and Television Station's Integrated Media Center has made great strides in three dimensions: the integrated communication mechanism for major theme propaganda, the integrated development of large and small screens, and the construction of an all-media strategic digital platform. It has built an integrated communication advantage with distinctive characteristics and explored a Shanghai path for the integrated transformation and development of national radio and television media.

Kankan News Hongmeng native application is an important part of SMG Media Integration Center's creation of a full-terminal, full-platform Kankan News product matrix. The launch of this application is an important step in connecting all-terminal core scenarios, which will enable Kankan News content to gain huge influence and dissemination power, and achieve important breakthroughs in helping Kankan News to operate long-term and find new paths for media value transformation.

Kankan News Hongmeng native application relies on the native intelligence, native security, and native smoothness of the HarmonyOS system, combined with SMG's strong news production, innovation, and integration capabilities, relying on its core competitiveness of high-quality original and in-depth reports, taking short videos and live broadcasts as breakthroughs, and using intelligent algorithm recommendations as a driving force to provide users with more personalized and intelligent news information products in all aspects. SMG's strong news production, innovation, and integration capabilities, with its core competitiveness of high-quality original and in-depth reports, taking short videos and live broadcasts as breakthroughs, and using intelligent algorithm recommendations as a driving force, to create tailor-made news information products for users in all aspects.

Through Ark Compiler, the multi-device development framework of HarmonyOS, the Hongmeng native version of Kankan News has achieved one-time development and multi-terminal deployment. Developers only need to write one set of code to run it on multiple devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and folding screens, which greatly improves development efficiency and ensures a consistent user experience across devices.

Our APP uses HarmonyOS's distributed data management system to provide real-time news push services. Through the distributed database, news content can be synchronized in real time across multiple devices, ensuring that users get important news and emergencies in the first place.

The HarmonyOS native version of Kankan News is connected to the HarmonyOS intent framework system. It builds a global intent paradigm through multi-dimensional system perception, big models and other capabilities, realizes the understanding of users' explicit and potential intentions, and conveys user needs to ecological partners in a timely and accurate manner, matching the appropriate environment and providing users with multimodal and personalized news services.

In the future, Kankan News will work with Huawei to explore more technological innovations and application scenarios, develop more intelligent and personalized services, and create a new smart ecosystem experience. Kankan News Hongmeng Galaxy Edition will make full use of the full-scenario, native intelligence, and native security advantages of the HarmonyOS system to provide users with smoother, more efficient, and safer news information services and experiences on multiple terminals such as mobile phones, tablets, car machines, and smart screens.

Editor: Shen Peilan

Editor: Yu Hanjing