
Roland Digital Music Education's direct-sale stores in many places suddenly closed down, and the market supervision department has intervened


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The "Company Operation Adjustment Announcement" released by Roland Digital Music Education Group shows that on July 28, Roland Education closed six direct-operated stores in Shanghai, including Tangqiao, Huangpu, Baoshan ASE, Changning, Sanlin, and Yangpu Ruihong campuses. The direct-operated stores in Da Wang Road, Xizhao Temple, Wangjing, Tongzhou, Lize, and Changying campuses in Beijing were also closed on the same day, and announcements of suspension of operations were issued. Red Star News reporters learned from staff of several Roland Education franchise stores in Beijing and Shanghai that the current news they have received is that offline direct-operated stores are temporarily closed, and franchise stores are still operating normally.

On July 30, staff from the Shanghai Market Supervision Administration told Red Star News that they had received complaints from many parents and teachers about Roland Education and were currently working on handling the complaints.

The reporter saw from the website of Roland Digital Music Education (hereinafter referred to as "Roland Education") that the institution mainly provides musical instrument training for children aged 4 to 12, with nearly 500 campuses across the country, and courses include drums, electric piano, and vocal training. (Red Star News)