
Did geofencing fool Apple? Pirated streaming apps reappear on the App Store


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IT Home reported on August 1 that according to 9to5Mac, a pirated streaming app that was once removed from the shelves has reappeared on the Apple App Store. And this time it is not just one, but multiple similar apps that have successfully deceived Apple's review mechanism.

IT Home noticed that these apps are named "Collect Cards" and released by different developers, but they are almost the same in essence. Their interfaces are simple, and the descriptions and screenshots seem to have nothing to do with streaming. However, once the app is opened, users can see a huge catalog of pirated film and television content from platforms such as Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max and even Apple TV+.

9to5Mac previously revealed thatThese apps tricked Apple's review system through geo-fencing technologyThe app detects the user's location and displays a simple picture and video interface if the user is in the United States to confuse users.In other regions, real pirate streaming capabilities will be presented

Although Apple removed the app after the media exposure, it is clear that the company has not done enough to prevent such incidents from happening again.

It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time that Apple's App Store has encountered such problems. As early as 2017, there were reports that Uber used geo-fencing technology to bypass Apple's review.

At present, Apple has not responded to this matter and has not removed these pirated apps.