
US airstrike


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Source: China News Service compiled from CCTV News Client

At 22:00 on July 30, the Iraqi militia Popular Mobilization Organization issued a statement confirming thatThe headquarters of its subordinate 47th Brigade in the town of Jurefsahr in northern Babylon Province was attacked three times by US drones, killing four members of the brigade, one of whom was the commander.

Earlier, in the early morning of July 31, local time, the Iraqi militia "Popular Mobilization Organization" issued a statement saying that existing information showed that two patrol groups belonging to the 47th Brigade of the armed forces in the northern part of Iraq's Babylon Province were attacked by missiles launched by drones on the evening of the 30th.

Sources say US military launches airstrike in Iraq's Babylon province

CCTV reporters learned that according to informed US officials, the US military launched an attack in Iraq on July 30 local time.The strikes targeted militants who the United States believed were attempting to launch drones and posed a threat to U.S. and allied forces.

The source also said U.S. forces carried out an airstrike in Musayib, in Iraq's Babylon province, but did not provide further details or comment on any casualties.

At present, the US officials have not confirmed the relevant claims.

Earlier, several explosions occurred at Iraqi militia facilities

CCTV reporters learned that on the evening of July 30th local time, multiple explosions occurred at Iraqi militia facilities near the town of Jurefsahr in the northern Babylon Province of Iraq, killing at least three people and injuring many others.

The province of Babylon declared a state of alert that evening.