
Trading will be suspended from tomorrow! Is the controlling right of the 21 billion yuan leader going to change?


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China Fund News reporter heard

On the evening of July 31, Tasly issued an announcement stating that the company's controlling shareholder, Tasly Biotechnology Industry Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Tasly Group), is planning to transfer the company's shares, which may lead to a change in the company's control.

Control may change

On July 31, Tasly received a notice from Tasly Group that the latter was planning to transfer Tasly's shares, which may lead to a change in Tasly's control.

As of the end of March, Tasly Group held 45.75% of Tasly's shares. As of the close of July 31, the market value of Tasly's shares held by Tasly Group reached 9.621 billion yuan.

Note: Tasly Holding Group Co., Ltd. was renamed Tasly Biopharmaceutical Industry Group Co., Ltd.

Tasly announced that in view of the significant uncertainties in the above matters, the company, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Listing Rules and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Listed Company Self-Discipline Supervision Guide No. 4 - Suspension and Resumption of Trading,The company applied to the Shanghai Stock Exchange for a trading suspension starting from August 1, and the suspension is expected to last no more than two trading days.

According to the official website, Tasly Group was founded in 1994. It is a high-tech enterprise group with the big health industry as its main line and the two major industrial systems of biomedicine and digital health advancing in coordination. It has been listed in the top 500 private enterprises and top 500 manufacturing enterprises in China for nine consecutive years, and achieved revenue of 31.1 billion yuan in 2023.

According to Tasly’s 2023 annual report, Tasly Group also holds shares in listed companies such as Dingdang Health, Zhiyun Health, and Amy Vaccine.

Adhere to the implementation of innovation-driven strategy

Public information shows that Tasly focuses on three major disease areas: cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, digestive metabolism, and tumors. It uses the synergistic development advantages of modern Chinese medicine, biological drugs, and chemical drugs to carry out strategic layout of innovative drugs, and has won honors such as "Top 100 Chinese Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Enterprises in 2022-2023".

In 2023, Tasly achieved operating income of 8.674 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.42%; achieved net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company of 1.071 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 505.34%; and achieved net profit after deducting non-recurring items of 1.181 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 60.11%.

In April, Tasly executives stated at an earnings briefing that the company insisted on implementing an innovation-driven strategy and currently has a research and development pipeline covering 98 products under development, including 41 Class 1 innovative drugs, 36 of which are in the clinical trial stage, and 26 are in Phase II and III clinical trials.

Editor: Joey

Review: Xu Wen

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