
TES defeated JDG 2-0! Suppression in the middle and upper, 369 crocodile is as fierce as a god of war


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In the BO3 between JDG and TES in the LPL Summer Season Summit Group, after two rounds of fierce battle, TES defeated JDG with a score of 2-0 and won the 6th victory!

In the first game, JDG had Quesanti on top, Zyra on jungle, Corki on mid, Jhin and Leona on bottom; TES had Rumble on top, Emery on jungle, Lucian on mid, Leona and Alistar on bottom. In the 2nd minute, there was a 2v2 fight in the bottom lane, Missing Leona killed JKL Leona in the laning phase, and JDG got the first blood. In the 6th minute, Corki killed Tian Emery in the jungle. In the early game, TES had a 1K economic lead. In the mid-game, at 16 minutes, TES pushed down the first blood tower in the bottom lane. In the late game, at 30 minutes, TES forced a team fight at the Baron. After JDG arrived, sheer Quesanti entered the game and was killed instantly. After TES killed 2 JDG top and support players, they took the first Baron. In the 37th minute, TES took the second Baron. In the 39th minute, TES took the Wind Dragon Soul. In the final 41st minute, TES wiped out JDG in a team fight on the high ground and won the first game. The output of both sides in the first game is as follows. 369's Rumble dealt the highest damage in the game, and the one with the highest damage on the JDG side was Ruler's Jhin.

In the second game, TES had Crocodile on top, Emery on jungle, Zeli on mid, Ezreal and Alistar on bottom; JDG had Gnar on top, Lillia on jungle, Jayce on mid, and Miss Fortune and Riel on bottom. At 9 minutes, TES was double-teamed in the jungle, and JKL's Ezreal killed Miss Fortune, and TES took the first blood. At 15 minutes, JDG pushed down the first blood tower in the bottom lane. TES had a 1K economic lead in the early game. At 23 minutes in the middle game, TES killed Ruler Miss Fortune in the middle lane and took the first dragon. At 26 minutes, TES killed four JDG players in the middle lane and won the second game.

So, what do you want to say about this game? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.