
A guide to avoiding pitfalls in living room decoration: If you don’t want to fail, read this now!


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The pitfalls of decorating a house are so painful that you won’t know until you step into them. Today, let’s take a deep look at the pitfalls that can easily lead you into when decorating your living room! Full of useful information, save it now!
Lighting selection: Light up your wallet
Do you think buying a big chandelier can light up your life? I tell you, that thing attracts moths and dust. Choosing a lamp is like choosing a partner. You need to know how to hide light and reveal shadows. Spotlights, floor lamps and mood light strips can make your living room bright and dark. Otherwise, it will be like an interrogation room. Who would dare to sit in your house?
Sofa placement: Even lying down can cause problems
️L-shaped sofa looks beautiful, but once you put it in your home, the living room will become a storage room. Moreover, when you lie there to watch TV, your neck will be twisted into a knot. Listen to my advice and buy a straight-row sofa, which saves space and is more comfortable.
Security door color change: from earthy to cool
Is your security door too tacky? It doesn't fit in with your living room and makes me angry. Don't worry, I'll teach you a way to change it. Spend the price of two pounds of pork, buy two buckets of color-changing paint, and spray it on, and it will look like a new door.
Wallpaper Selection: The Prophecy of the Three-Year Itch
️ Look at that wallpaper, it's so fancy, let me tell you, if you dare to put it up, it will get angry. It's neatly put up today, but it will be warped tomorrow. After three to five years, it will not only get damp and moldy, but also change color.
TV background wall: the highest level of pretentiousness
️Some people say that the TV background wall should have an artistic feel. I ask you, is your home an art gallery? It's better to make it so fancy. In my opinion, it's better to keep it simple, with a white wall and a storage cabinet, and two pots of green plants on it, which is both environmentally friendly and classy.
Curtain selection: not showing off
Some people like to buy those heavy curtains that look like city walls. Do they look very classy? Let me tell you to choose a thinner gauze curtain. The sunlight will shine through and make you feel refreshed. Add a blackout curtain and watch a movie at night, and the atmosphere will be instantly created. Remember, curtains are used to adjust the light, not to show off how rich you are.
Coffee table selection: You are not a Transformer
Some coffee tables nowadays are so cute that they can be integrated with a small kitchen, and they can be raised and lowered and deformed. Let me ask you, does your living room want to be transformed into a base? Isn't a simple solid wood coffee table good? Put a book on it and a cup of tea☕️, how comfortable it is.
Skirting line selection: details determine the grade
Some people say that the skirting board is inconspicuous and can be easily fixed. Let me tell you, it is just like a person's socks, which look inconspicuous, but will be exposed when exposed. Choose a good one that matches the color of the floor, and it will instantly improve the grade.
Color matching: Your home is not a rainbow candy. Some people think that the more colors in the living room, the better. Let me ask you, is your home a kindergarten? Just add some contrasting colors appropriately. Once the main color is determined, don't mess around with other colors. Otherwise, your living room will be like a kaleidoscope, and your eyes will be blurred after looking at it for a long time.
Today’s guide to avoiding pitfalls ends here. If you find it useful, please give it a like! ✨I will bring you more decoration tips next time! ️