
TES shut out JDG! Netizens: Brother is still ranked third, just keep guarding the post!


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In the League of Legends S14 Summer Season, LPL has made drastic and comprehensive reforms - a new competition system, a new BP mode, and a new lineup. After the end of the E-Sports World Cup, LPL should have discovered its shortcomings and flaws. It just so happens that there are still a few months before the World Championship, so there is still time to make adjustments.

According to the summer season schedule, two games were scheduled on July 31, namely the FPX vs. BLG in the Dengfeng group, and today's focus battle TES vs. JDG.

In the first game, BLG defeated FPX with a score of 2 to 1, defending their first place and wearing the resurrection armor; and what kind of famous scene will the second game between TES and JDG produce? Let's find out together.

TES shut out JDG and ranked third

JDG and TES ushered in the final battle of the group match. The small-game win rate of both teams ranked first and second in the summer season. Both teams are very good at taking the lead of the first tower through the early laning advantage, and then winning the game through continuous rolling rhythm advantage.

In the first game, JDG was on the blue side, banning Tristana, Crocodile, Lillia, Sejuani, and Rell, and picking Quesanti, Zyra, Corki, Zyra, and Leona. TES was on the red side, banning Nidalee, Ashe, Ezreal, Shyvana, and Brand, and picking Rumble, Emerald, Lucian, Miss Fortune, and Alistar.

In the first game, although it took a little longer, TES ended up crushing the opponent unilaterally. At around 2 minutes, MISSING Leona used E to steal the level 2 Missing Lady Gun, and JKL used flash but was still ignited and took the first blood; at around 14 minutes, JDG killed Lady Gun by force, but the positions were separated and TES exchanged 1 for 3; at around 24 minutes, TES chose to force a team fight at the Baron, and the two sides exchanged 2 for 2 in the subsequent tug-of-war; at around 30 minutes, TES focused their fire and instantly killed Quesanti and Leona, and then took the first Baron; at 41 minutes and 8 seconds, TES wiped out JDG and won the first game.

In the second game, TES was on the blue side, banning Nidalee, Ashe, Leona, Corki, and Titan, and choosing Crocodile, Emery, Zelda, Ezreal, and Alistar; JDG was on the red side, banning Tristana, Rumble, Lucian, Ziggs, and Senna, and choosing Gnar, Lillia, Jayce, Miss Fortune, and Rell.

The second game was a one-sided game for TES. At around 9 minutes, Tian used Q to hit Jayce at the maximum distance, and EZ followed up and easily got the first blood; at around 16 minutes, Kanavi used Lillia's Q and flash R to put 3 people to sleep, and JDG completed a 0-for-2 frontal team battle; at around 23 minutes, Meiko used Minotaur's Q to kill two people in the crowd, and TES won the big dragon and played 0-for-3; in the end, at 26 minutes and 12 seconds, TES wiped out JGD and won the game.

After TES defeated JDG with a score of 2-0, they advanced to the playoffs with the third place. Frankly speaking, this result can also reflect TES's performance - just now Saudi Arabia came back, lost to the first and second place, but successfully defended the third place.