
The entry price is 249,800 yuan, which is a high configuration! Yu Chengdong: Zhijie S7 Pro is the first to launch Huawei's visual intelligent driving, which is suitable for young people


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As Huawei's first smart car,SmartS7In the high-end pure electric sedan market, HUAWEI ADS 2.0 has attracted the attention of many young people with its instant delivery and nationwide availability.

Recently, the Zhijie S7 Pro version also took the lead in launching Huawei's visual intelligent driving solution - HUAWEI ADS Basic Edition, achieving full coverage of the two mainstream intelligent driving routes of lidar and vision.

As the entry-level model of the Zhijie S7, the Pro version truly achieves high-end configuration at the entry level, with a large 82-degree battery pack, 800V high-voltage fast charging, Tuling platform, Hongmeng cockpit, etc. In terms of product strength, it even surpasses the high-end models of the same level.With the support of HUAWEI ADS Basic Edition, everyone can enjoy the smart driving experience, maximizing intelligence and experience, and attracting young users with its value.

Huawei's visual intelligent driving makes highways, expressways and parking easy

After achieving a smart driving experience that is available nationwide and available as soon as the car is picked up with HUAWEI ADS 2.0, Huawei has once again set its sights on the visual smart driving route, and the Zhijie S7 Pro version is the first model of Huawei's visual smart driving.

In terms of hardware specifications, the Zhijie S7 Pro version is equipped with 3 millimeter-wave radars, 10 visual perception high-definition camera groups and 12 ultrasonic radars. Without a lidar, can it still live up to those four words?

It is understood that the HUAWEI ADS basic version is mainly for scenes such as highways, expressways and parking, and is also available nationwide. After turning on the NCA intelligent driving pilot assistance on highways and urban expressways, the Zhijie S7 Pro version can automatically go on and off ramps, and when encountering scenes such as road construction and cone barrel diversion, it also has the ability to automatically change lanes and avoid obstacles. In daily travel, especially long-distance driving, it can minimize driving fatigue and improve safety.

In terms of intelligent parking, the Zhijie S7 Pro can also achieve a parking speed and ability far beyond that of human drivers, with a high parking space recognition rate, support for more than 160 parking spaces, and faster parking speed. It can easily handle narrow parking spaces, sloped parking spaces, dead-end road parking spaces, etc. that many experienced drivers are scratching their heads, and can park wherever they see it.

The entry-level model is high-end, and the Pro version has a very impressive configuration

In many people's traditional impression, entry-level models are mostly just for lowering the price threshold, and the configuration will also be greatly reduced. However, the Zhijie S7 Pro has achieved high configuration at the entry level, and the price of 249,800 is also very cost-effective.

In terms of battery life, which is what everyone is most concerned about, the Zhijie S7 Pro version is equipped with an 82-degree ultra-large battery pack, which can achieve a battery life of 705km, while the entry-level models of the same level often have a battery pack of about 60 degrees and a battery life of 500+km.

In terms of charging and energy replenishment, the Zhijie S7 Pro version is also equipped with Huawei's Jujing 800V high-voltage battery platform, which can quickly meet energy replenishment needs.

The Hongmeng cockpit is also present in the car machine ceiling. When we travel, we open the corresponding address through various APPs in the mobile phone. After getting in the car, we touch the car machine to connect, and the address information in the application can be transferred to the car machine map. At the same time, the map navigation search can be turned on to determine the destination, eliminating the tedious steps of opening the map and searching again. Navigation, music, video, Changlian and other services can also be naturally connected and seamlessly transferred between the mobile phone and the car machine.

Finally, let's take a look at the power system. The Zhijie S7 Pro version is equipped with the HUAWEI DriveONE 800V high-voltage silicon carbide high-efficiency power platform, with a maximum power of 215kW and an acceleration of 100 kilometers in just 5.4 seconds. Combined with the Huawei Tuling platform, it can provide the first-tier control experience in its class.


In the pure electric car market, the Zhijie S7 has established its leading edge with its intelligent driving. Now, with the debut of the HUAWEI ADS basic version of the Zhijie S7 Pro, it is bound to further expand the influence of Huawei's intelligent driving and bring smart travel experience to more young people and young families. There is no doubt that at the price of 250,000 yuan, the Zhijie S7 Pro is one of the most worthwhile models in the current pure electric car market.