
Marvel's strongest after "Avengers"! "Deadpool 3" broke 1.4 billion on the first day of box office, may it become the champion of the summer?


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The noise is so loud.

IMDb 8.2, Douban 7.3 (opening score 7.5), another blockbuster masterpiece in Marvel's fifth phase;

It grossed $200 million worldwide in its debut, making it the highest-grossing R-rated film debut in history.

Does it look good?

There are generally only two answers to this question.


Today, for them, Sir is willing to give a third

Deadpool and Wolverine

Deadpool & Wolverine


Oi! Marvel Jesus

Let me tell you the story first.

The time has come to the sixth year after Logan's death, Earth-10005.

I believe old fans all remember this epic tear-jerking moment of Twilight Wolf in "Wolf 3"

Daughter Laura, also known as X-23.

After burying Logan, she placed the cross at an angle and used a big "X" to announce the farewell of the most famous mutant warrior to the world.

The story continues.

The world view of "Deadpool and Wolverine" continues, and the scene turns to our famous Deadpool

Oh no.

Now it's used car salesman Wade Wilson.

At the beginning of the film, Wade recommended himself to Iron Man's driver Happy and wanted to join the Avengers.

There are also good reasons

Fox has been owned by Disney, and now I also want to return to the embrace of my class, begging for shelter and touch.

But Happy said:

The young man has good abilities, but his attitude is not right enough.

Our boss is dead, oh no, he won an Oscar, why don’t we wait until he comes back.

Without the title of superhero, Wade had to find a down-to-earth job and return to ordinary life.

But the thing is that everything seems to be normal...

Blind old lady Al, taxi driver Adu, diabetic Pete, and two X-Men friends and their families all said that they were in a stable mood.

They also held a big party for the birthday boy.

Just follow Vanessa

Our girlfriend, who is not obsessed with looks, has changed her mind.

The sentimental heart was also broken gently.

But that’s not even the worst.

On Jianjian’s birthday, several TVA (Time Variance Administration) staff members came to invite him for tea.

A junior supervisor named Mr. Paradox told him a cruel truth:

Young man, the timeline of your universe is about to collapse.

If you want to save your friends, you must find the person who anchors the timeline...

Jianjian: Is it me?

Paradox: It was Wolverine who killed you.

Then he drew a pie for Jianjian.

As long as he completes this job, he will be able to join the Avengers and become a big boss. Hearing this, his wrinkled skin was stretched out.

So the scene at the beginning of the film appeared.

Jianjian came to Wolverine's grave and found that Wolverine on his line was indeed dead.

He dug up someone's grave without telling anyone.

They also danced a boy band dance to the accompaniment of "bye bye bye" by NSYNC, and used dead wolf bones and a bunch of TVA leg hair to carry out a bloody massacre that is not suitable for children.

It’s really like dancing on a grave.

But what if Wolverine is really dead?


Just travel through the multiverse and bring Wolverine from another timeline over to join the cast.

So, unexpectedly but not unexpectedly, Jian Jian encountered a bunch of "various versions of Wolverine" that caused fans to scream.

There are dwarf version (paying tribute to the original comic), rich one-eyed version (with a temperament comparable to 007), cowboy wolf (calling back the original Twilight Wolf), superman wolf (this part made the audience burst into laughter), giant X-wolf (imitating the cover of X-Men comics), Hulk fighting version... a total of seven or eight versions.

Until the last one, it is what Mr. Paradox calls "edition".


This version of Wolverine is the most unsuccessful existence in his universe because he betrayed everyone.

You see, there is a contrast.

Compared to previous movies, whether it is the X-Men series or the solo movies of Deadpool or Wolverine.

The cynical Deadpool has truly become the spokesperson for "I love my family" this time.

However, the most powerful X-Man is a useless piece of shit who is drowned in spit in his world.

Two inverted souls meet.

They were affected by force majeure and were forced to go to the "Void", the garbage dump of the Marvel world.

There, what awaits them will be another "contrast escalation" contest.

They met various characters who were "exiled" by the MCU and the X-Men

According to incomplete statistics, there are the Human Torch played by Toni Coleman, the 1998 version of Blade, the grown-up X-23's "daughter" Laura, and the "King of Cards", whose solo movie is nowhere in sight but is played by Magic Mike Channing Tatum instead of Taylor Kitsch (who also danced with Jason Momoa in Freeman).

Of course, there are also a large number of second-line characters in "X-Men".

For example, Sabretooth, the "older brother" who was killed by Wolverine with one claw, Fireman under Magneto, as well as Toad, Red Devil, Deathly Haunted, and so on.

So much so that fans burst into tears:

Marvel has not given up on them, Marvel still remembers us.


This is also the most attentive part of "Deadpool vs. Wolverine", but at the same time, it is also the most criticized part.

The audienceLikes and dislikes have the same cause

Generally speaking.

The highlight of almost the entire movie is that it brings together many "niche heroes" of the MCU, places them in a space called "the void" that can be accessed at any time, and uses the setting of the multiverse to leave countless possibilities for the development of Marvel stories in the future.

Coupled with the behind-the-scenes footage of "X-Men" and other related tidbits at the end of the film, it is undoubtedly the best after-meal dessert for an Easter egg movie.

But the key is

For those less experienced movie fans, or those who just want to go to the cinema to watch a popcorn movie, there is a certain threshold for watching movies.

The biggest surprise of the entire movie is obviously the "spot the differences" atmosphere and the electric feeling between fans when they rediscover their feelings bit by bit and understand each other.

Otherwise for general audiences.

The movie-watching process can only be summarized as "Haha, who is this? Who is this again? Why are they laughing?"


The question is not as simple as why Thor is crying.

But the question is, is this an Easter egg movie?

In fact, it is more than that.

Otherwise, you can't explain why Marvel has been playing the sentimental card for so many years, but the effect is minimal, so that this trump card empire gradually showed its twilight and was increasingly unpopular. However, "Deadpool and Wolverine" can fight back so beautifully.

So, what is its underlying color?

Four weeks ago, Sir attended the advance screening of the film and a meet-and-greet with the main creators in Shanghai.

At that meeting.

Jason and Hugh Jackman frequently mentioned a word: Friendship.


This means that since "Logan", this love-hate CP has been tossed back and forth in their respective single universes, from enemies to enemy friends, and then to the rotten soulmates presented in the big movie.

This is also the most important element of "Deadpool vs. Wolverine".

But is it really so?

After watching the movie, Sir felt that what could impress the audience was not the so-called friendship (that was just Disney's candy coating), but another word, "matter".

Chinese translation is important and crucial.

What's the meaning?

A detail.

When Jason and Wolf 2.0 first met the villain Nova, they mistakenly took Professor X's twin sister as the professor.

How did Nova respond?

She said lightly:

"The void is my playground. Charles never thought of looking for me."


In that bustling reality, she is not important at all.

So the word "matter" runs through the whole film——

From the beginning, Jian Jian wanted to join the Avengers but was rejected. His reason for applying was "I want to matter, to show my girl";

The temptation Mr. Paradox gave him was to complete this task, “you can finally matter”.

Then the villain Nova inserted his finger into Jianjian's brain, read his memory, and used his ex-girlfriend's mouth to PUA him: "you never fucking matter" (you will never succeed);

For superheroes.

The most difficult thing is not the pain of life and death, or the arduous and adventurous task.

Rather, he is no longer needed by the world that he once saved.

The word "Matter" runs through the whole film, constantly reminding him of his desire for self-achievement.

This abandoned version of Uncle Wolf also became the deepest pain in his heart.

Even if they were salvaged from Fox by Disney, they are still losers in their own world.


This term also clearly refers to the superheroes who are exiled to the "void".

They too were created, saved the world, then abandoned, and finally forgotten.

But now that things have come to this, are people the only ones being idle?

You have to know that the MCU loses money on the comic adaptations and the TV series other than the movies.

Not just superheroes.

Also left in the "void" are various villains, abilities, props and even a landmark building.

For example, the Golden Gate Bridge uprooted by Magneto in "X-Men 3", the spaceship Benatar in "Guardians of the Galaxy", and the Titan spaceship in "Avengers 3"...

Just like the Fox sign in the movie stuck deep into the soil——

What was buried was an entire past era.

But the old fox on the screen only left the audience with a sigh, accompanied by Deadpool's disdain for his jokes.

it Fox!


I am going to Disneyland!

(Eat shit, Fox, I'm going to Disneyland)

So this movie is actually different from previous superhero stories, which gives the audience a sense of "pilgrimage" - it itself does not have much ambition or appetite.

It tells the story of a group of "losers".

What it sings is Marvel's elegy to this group of comic adaptation scraps.

As for whether you like it or not, it depends on whether you are willing to understand the faint sadness beneath the surface of this comedy.

After all, you have to know that the biggest surprise and the biggest regret of this movie are also one and the same.

The original Wolverine is dead.

The returning Wolverine is indeed not the Logan we remember.

What Disney was able to do was not only retain Fox's ending to the greatest extent possible.

They are using the multiverse, which many people think is a last resort, and the rarely touched R-rating to try to extend the last viewing period for fans who are still in the old century.

As Sir clearly remembers:

When in the movie, Ben Affleck was taken to TVA and officially introduced as a member of the Avengers.

He saluted Captain America and looked at the distant MCU story line with great excitement.

"Is that me? Is that Thor? Is he holding me and crying?"

This is not only the feeling of a "stranger" returning, but also represents the victory of the audience's perspective on a certain level.

We are touched to be seen as part of the universe, valued, and even regarded as the core of future stories.

So low scores are understandable, and dislikes are understandable.

But a score that has surpassed many films in the MCU's later stages has proven to be the most successful difference between Deadpool and Wolverine:

The quality of the story, the return of the heroes, the cool special effects...these all matter.

But what matters most is the irreplaceable sincerity and respect that fans feel.


Can the X-Men save Marvel?

Of course, most people don’t watch “Deadpool vs. Wolverine” for those second-tier characters.

Instead, watch Deadpool's complaints.

For example, Deadpool complained about the Human Torch's standard superhero moves and slow-motion fighting scenes:

"You can tell at a glance that a superhero has arrived."

Or he is using "Good Deadpool" to block a knife, but as soon as he asks "When will your regeneration ability take effect", the other person is shot in the head in a second.

The scene that Sir remembers most vividly.

Nova peeled off the skin of Mr. Tao, and Jianjian whispered to Uncle Wolf: "Do you know how much his salary is?"

Is it funny?


But what if Sir said that, compared to complaining, what Deadpool said was actually some kind of "prophecy"?

That is to say.

In Deadpool's complaints, we can actually see Marvel's predicament and future.

Don't think Sir is talking nonsense.

In fact, when Deadpool keeps breaking the fourth wall and letting the audience go in and out of the movie, Sir always unconsciously thinks of Marvel movies.

For example,

When the two finally got rid of the void and returned to the real world, a little boy recognized them.

So Deadpool said:

"Yes, he is Wolverine. Fox killed him and Disney resurrected him."

"They want him to act until he's 90."

This sentence is of course a complaint.

In Deadpool's world, Wolverine is the perfect man, the idol of mutants, and the pride of the X-Men, so it is a natural thing for him to partner up with Wolverine.

But if you look at it from another angle, could this also be the future direction of the Marvel Universe?

one example.

Just when the film was released, Marvel released a very popular news——

The fifth and sixth Avengers movies have been scheduled.

The directors are the Russo brothers, who have declared that they will never return to make Marvel movies again, and the villain Dr. Doom in the film is played by "Iron Man" Robert Downey Jr.

Obviously, after five years of failure (starting from "Avengers 4"), Marvel once again placed its hopes on these old people.

Ask them to "perform until they are 90 years old".

Another example--

When the two of them left the void and ran into a group of Deadpools led by a female Deadpool, the line complained:

"The multiverse setting has been played out."

This is of course breaking the fourth wall and is official self-mockery.

But think about it again, is this the most troublesome problem that Marvel is currently facing and the one that needs to be solved most urgently?

Just like this time Fox was merged into Marvel.

Although a large number of Marvel IPs are returning, such as "X-Men", "Fantastic Four" and "Deadpool" are bound to appear in the Avengers universe.

But what should be done with those characters?

Do we need to reconstruct the universe's timeline? Do we need to distribute it to different universes? If so, will the audience feel too bored?

And more importantly.

If most of the effort is put into "stuffing in" familiar faces, then the story will inevitably be downgraded again.

It is true that the multiverse is the cause of both success and failure.

So what should we do?

Speaking of this, we have to mention another line that was not said by Deadpool -

At the end of the film, when the female leader of TVA showed up to clean up the mess, Wolverine asked her if she could help modify his own timeline.

But the female leader said:

“Your past is who you are now, so there’s no need to change anything.”

What's the meaning?

Of course it is a theory of causality.

But if we look at the matter of "X-Men" returning to the Marvel Universe, we have reason to hope that perhaps, after joining the Avengers family, the X-Men will not deteriorate.


"X-Men" and "Avengers" are of course different things, and their cores are completely different.

What is X-Men?

The survival and resistance of the weak require serious concern and reflection.

And what about "Avengers"?

Saving the world and making jokes are standard family-friendly photos.

So in fact, many people are worried that when the X-Men are integrated into the Avengers Universe, they will lose their previous "soul". We can't imagine Magneto becoming a hero who only knows how to fight and kill, and we can't imagine that mutants will no longer have racial difficulties and will naturally save the world.

But "Deadpool and Wolverine" says that it actually "can remain unchanged."

So we can see this scene.

Just like in "Logan 1", Logan finally used his steel claws to tear open the cage and freed all the mutant slaves;

And in this movie, after Nova's conspiracy fails, the protagonist asks TVA to bring all the friends in the void out.

It’s also “racial redemption”.

Focus on "people" rather than "heroes".

Yes, we do miss the peak of Marvel——

I miss the ground-breaking "I am Iron Man";

I miss Captain America's "I can do this all day";

I miss the words "Sun's getting real low" that Black Widow and Thor said to the Hulk;

I remember first what Iron Man said to Loki in "Avengers 1", and then what Loki said to Thanos in "Avengers 3", "We have a Hulk".

But in the final analysis, it doesn’t really matter which characters return or which Easter eggs are everywhere.

What we miss, after all, are “people”.

They are the flesh-and-blood characters that remain unchanged in our memories and do not need to change.

In the past we looked up to them:

"God loves all, but men fight against one another."

Now they become us:

"The mortal body is on par with the gods."

So whether it is Deadpool or Wolverine, such a combination is not only a feedback to the fans, but also a belated appointment.

They put on their armor again for ordinary emotions and fight side by side for the people around them.

Finally proved again:

No matter how grand Valhalla is, the most important seat is still people.

The pictures in this article are from the Internet

Editorial Assistant: A Pumpkin Wearing Prada