
The Philippine Foreign Minister said that the US deployed intermediate-range missiles in the Philippines to enhance the Philippines' defense capabilities. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Urge relevant countries to withdraw the intermediate-range missile system as soon as possible in accordance with their previous public commitments


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[Global Times-Global Network reporter Wu Yuanchun] Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian hosted a regular press conference on July 31. At the press conference, a Global Times-Global Network reporter asked: On July 30, Philippine Foreign Minister Manalo said at a press conference after the "2+2" talks between the Philippine and US foreign ministers and defense ministers that the US deployment of intermediate-range missiles in the Philippines is to enhance the Philippines' own defense capabilities, not for any offensive purpose, and will not lead to an arms race. What is China's comment on this?

In response to questions from Global Times-Global Network reporters, Lin Jian said that China has also repeatedly stated its solemn position on the US deployment of intermediate-range missiles in the Philippines. I would like to emphasize again that the Philippines' allowing the US to deploy intermediate-range missiles is a perverse act of cooperating with extra-regional forces to fuel regional tensions and confrontations, provoke geopolitical confrontation and arms race. The region needs peace and prosperity, not intermediate-range missiles and confrontation. We urge relevant countries to face up to the calls of countries in the region, correct their wrong practices as soon as possible, withdraw the intermediate-range missile system as soon as possible in accordance with their previous public commitments, and not go further and further down the wrong path.

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