
The United States will further block Japan, South Korea and the Netherlands from exporting semiconductors and manufacturing equipment to China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded


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[Global Times-Global Network reporter Wu Yuanchun] Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian hosted a regular press conference on July 31. At the meeting, a Reuters reporter asked: Reuters quoted sources as saying that the Biden administration plans to announce a new regulation next month, and the United States will further prevent some countries such as Japan, the Netherlands, and South Korea from exporting semiconductors and manufacturing equipment to Chinese chip manufacturers. What is China's comment on this?

Lin Jian said that China has repeatedly stated its solemn position on China's semiconductor industry. The US has politicized, generalized and instrumentalized economic, trade and technological issues, continuously increased chip export controls on China, and coerced other countries to suppress China's semiconductor industry, which seriously undermined international trade rules, damaged the stability of the global industrial chain, and was not beneficial to any party. China has always firmly opposed this.

Lin Jian said, "I want to emphasize that containment and suppression cannot stop China's development, but will only enhance China's determination and ability to be self-reliant and self-reliant in science and technology. China will pay close attention to relevant trends and resolutely safeguard its legitimate rights and interests. It is hoped that relevant countries will resolutely resist coercion, jointly maintain a fair and open international economic and trade order, and truly safeguard their own long-term interests."