
Video exposed! Russian media: A German-made Leopard 2A4 main battle tank was destroyed in Donetsk and caught fire after being hit


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[Global Times Report] According to Russia Today (RT) on July 30, a video circulating on the Internet showed that the Russian army destroyed a German-made Leopard 2A4 main battle tank in the special military operations area against Ukraine.

"Russia Today" reported on July 30 that "a German main battle tank was destroyed" with a video. The picture shows the scene in the video

"Russia Today" reported on July 30 that "a German main battle tank was destroyed" with a video. The picture shows the scene in the video

RT said that the video shot by a drone showed a tank driving in the Donetsk area and firing at a target, and it tried to dodge after being counterattacked. RT also described that the tank was hit during the evasion process, and someone jumped off the tank and tried to leave, but returned to the tank, and then it was hit again and caught fire.