
New Iranian president sworn in


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According to CCTV News, Iran's President-elect Pezhichyan was officially sworn in at the Iranian Parliament on the afternoon of the 30th.

In his inaugural speech that day, Pezehiziyan promised that the new government will give priority to sustainable development, strengthening economic strength and improving the living standards of the Iranian people, while also working to safeguard Iran's dignity and interests on the international stage and strive to reach consensus among all political factions in the country.

Pezerhiziyan called on the international community to work with Iran to address regional and global challenges, and said that constructive engagement with the world will be the cornerstone of the new Iranian government's foreign affairs. He also reiterated Iran's support for the Palestinian people.

On July 6, former Iranian Health Minister Pezerhiziyan won the 14th Iranian presidential election.

On July 28, Iran's Supreme Leader Khamenei formally approved Pezhichyan to serve as Iran's President.

According to the relevant agenda, Pezehiziyan will submit a list of cabinet members to the parliament within two weeks. The Iranian parliament will then evaluate the cabinet candidates for about a week before holding a vote of confidence.

Pezeshiziyan was born in West Azerbaijan Province, Iran in 1954 and was a cardiac surgeon. He served as Minister of Health from 2001 to 2005 and as First Deputy Speaker of the Iranian Parliament from 2016 to 2020.

Data map of Pezeshiqiyan

Pezehichiyan is an Iranian reformist politician who has long adhered to the moderate political views of the Iranian reformist camp. He believes that relations with Western countries, including the United States, should be improved, and that lifting Western sanctions on Iran should be a top priority.

Iran holds presidential elections every four years, and the next election was originally scheduled for 2025. However, President Seyed Ibrahim Raisi was killed in a helicopter accident on May 19. According to the Iranian Constitution, if the president dies during his term, a new presidential election must be arranged within 50 days. Therefore, the presidential election was brought forward to June 28 this year.

It is worth noting that after Pezeshichiyan won the election and officially took office, Iran's official name for China changed significantly, from "friendly country" to "one of the most important and influential countries."

Source: Changan Street Governor