
Is Türkiye going to be expelled from NATO?


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Is Türkiye going to be expelled from NATO?

Don't think it's impossible, because Israel has already made a serious request, and Israeli diplomats are negotiating with all NATO countries on this matter.

On July 30, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying:"In light of Turkish President Erdogan's threats to invade Israel and his related dangerous rhetoric, Foreign Minister Katz has instructed Israeli diplomats ... to urgently consult with all NATO member states, calling on them to condemn Turkey's actions and demand its expulsion from the regional alliance."

Angry Israeli Foreign Minister Katz previously posted a picture showing Erdogan wearing sunglasses on the left and Saddam with an unshaven beard who was captured on the right.

Katz's narration reads:Erdogan is following in Saddam's footsteps and threatening to attack Israel. He should not have forgotten what happened then and how it ended.

What's the meaning?

Erdogan, Erdogan, look at Saddam. If you dare to take action against Israel, Saddam's final fate of being hanged will be yours.

To be honest, this lacks any diplomatic etiquette and is simply swearing at someone.

You know, Turkey was once Israel's closest country in the Middle East, and at one point Israel's Air Force training was conducted in Turkey.

Thirty years on the east side of the river, thirty years on the west side of the river. Now, the two countries have become old enemies who often quarrel with each other.

What particularly broke Israel's defense was Erdogan's recent statement.

At a rally, the Turkish president slammed Israel's invasion of Gaza, saying:“We have to be very strong so that Israel can’t do these ridiculous things to Palestine. Just like we went into Nagorno-Karabakh, into Libya, we might do something similar (to Israel).”

What's the meaning?

The meaning is also very clear.

1. Türkiye must be strong so that Israel will not dare to do whatever it wants to Palestine.

2. Türkiye will not stand idly by, just as we did when we entered Nagorno-Karabakh and Libya.

3. Let me explain briefly. In the latest Nagorno-Karabakh war, Azerbaijan won a great victory over Armenia with the help of Turkey. The Turkish army entered Libya, which allowed Turkey's influence to expand to North Africa. Erdogan was very proud of it.

4. Most crucially, is Erdogan’s final destination: Turkey will invade Israel in order to uphold justice.

It doesn't say exactly how to invade, but the idea is there.

Turkey dares to say what Arab countries dare not say, and the Turkish army dares to do what Arab armies dare not do.

You know, Turkey is a NATO country and an ally of the United States, and many of its weapons are made in the United States. This brings up a question: would an ally of the United States use American weapons to attack a close friend of the United States?

How could Israel swallow this bitter pill?

Therefore, Israeli Foreign Minister Katz started a fierce war of words, criticizing Türkiye for supporting Hamas:“The headquarters of Hamas, which is involved in planning armed attacks on Israel, is located in Turkey. Turkey, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Yemeni Houthi armed forces are all members of Iran’s axis of evil.”

Türkiye, oh Türkiye, you are no longer our ally, you are a member of the axis of evil.

Moreover, Katz went all out and directly cursed Erdogan on social media, comparing him to Saddam; Israeli diplomats also collectively urged NATO countries to expel Turkey.

Although in NATO, Türkiye's military ranks second only to the United States.

The little bully of the Middle East confronted the old Sultan of the Middle East. What do you think in the end?

Let me just give you three brief points.

First, every evildoer will receive his due punishment.

Tofu is dipped in brine. One thing can overcome another.

Israel is bold and daring, and has no rivals in the Middle East. To be honest, when Israel goes crazy, it seems that even the United States is afraid.

But Türkiye is not afraid.

At least Erdogan has been the harshest in criticizing Israel recently and has taken the most actions against Israel. He once recalled his ambassador, cut off economic and trade ties, and now threatens to invade Israel.

Türkiye among countries is indeed extraordinary.

The Middle East is in turmoil, Iran is preoccupied with itself, Arab countries are in disarray, and Turkey is eager to become the new hegemon of the Middle East. In the past two years, Turkey has sent troops to Nagorno-Karabakh, Libya, and invaded Syria and Iraq to attack Kurdish forces. It is true that Turkey is not a pushover.

But when China took advantage of Israel, it reacted strongly and the consequences were serious.

Second, NATO has long been unhappy with Turkey.

In NATO, Türkiye is indeed an outlier.

Turkey has the second largest military force, which is very needed by NATO; but the key is that if Turkey does not calm down, the United States will also have a headache.

In the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States and NATO naturally stood completely on Ukraine's side, providing money, guns, cannons and planes; but Turkey insisted on remaining neutral, and Erdogan was very close to Putin, which made the United States very unhappy.

On the Palestinian-Israeli issue, Turkey often clashes with Israel and now threatens to invade Israel. Israel is a staunch little brother of the United States, so how can the United States agree to this?

So, let’s be honest, if Turkey continues to make trouble, and with Israel fanning the flames, it is possible that one day the United States will become furious and use NATO’s rules to expel Turkey!

I have seen some Westerners even proposing to expel Türkiye and replace it with Israel.

Third, more wars are burning.

On the one hand, Turkey and Israel are still engaged in a fierce verbal battle; on the other hand, Israel launched a fierce air strike on Beirut, killing dozens of people.

The general background is that Hezbollah launched an air strike, a football field in the Golan Heights was bombed, and 12 teenagers were killed.

This is the deadliest attack on the Israeli-controlled area since the new round of conflict between Israel and Palestine began on October 7 last year.

Israel was not willing to give up and vowed to retaliate against Hezbollah. Israeli Defense Minister Galant previously threatened that the Israeli military would "send Lebanon back to the Stone Age."

Of course, Hezbollah is not afraid of being frightened. Lebanon warned that the consequences of war would "return (Israel) to the Stone Age."

It's really ironic when you think about it. The Paris Olympics opened with a call for a global ceasefire.

But not only has the war not stopped, it has intensified. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has not ended, blood is flowing in Gaza, and a new war is imminent. Oh, and Turkey is threatening to invade Israel.

Türkiye, you are not just talking nonsense, are you?

Also, will NATO expel Türkiye or not?