
Android app KineStop can relieve motion sickness, launched earlier than iOS 18 feature


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IT Home reported on July 30 that many people experience motion sickness symptoms such as nausea, headaches, and dizziness when using smartphones in a moving vehicle. Apple is about to launch a feature called "Vehicle Motion Alerts" in iOS 18 to alleviate this problem. But motion sickness is not a problem exclusive to iPhone and iPad users. In fact, Android users already have a free app that can achieve similar functions.

Studies have shown that motion sickness is caused by the inconsistency between what the eyes see and what the body feels. When you look at your phone in a moving vehicle, the movement felt by your inner ear conflicts with the still image seen by your eyes, causing physical discomfort. To alleviate this discomfort, many people choose not to use their phones in the car. Apple's "Vehicle Motion Alert" feature tricks the brain by displaying animated dots on the edge of the screen that follow the movement of the vehicle, thereby alleviating motion sickness symptoms.

As early as 2018, the Android app KineStop had already implemented a similar function. This free app was created by Petr Nálevka, who developed the sleep app Sleep as Android. IT Home noted thatKineStop also reduces motion sickness symptoms by displaying dots on the screen that follow the movement of the vehicle. Its principle is the same as Apple's "Vehicle Motion Hint".

AndroidAuthority editors have personally experienced it and found that KineStop is very effective. This app is free, suitable for Android 7.0 and above, and is constantly updated.

Although this app has been launched for many years, its download volume is not high, just exceeding 100,000 times. It only attracted attention after the recent release of related features of iOS 18.