
Apex Legends' overall Steam rating has dropped to "mixed"


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After Apex Legends announced controversial changes to its battle pass, the game was bombarded with negative reviews on Steam, with the recent review approval rating dropping below 10% in a short period of time. Although developer Respawn later announced that it was withdrawing some of the changes, allowing battle passes to be renewed and giving away free battle passes, players' anger did not stop, and all reviews for Apex Legends on Steam have now dropped to "mixed" (69% approval rating).

Apex Legends has received nearly 923,000 reviews on Steam so far, of which 69% were positive. The positive rate in China is even lower, with only 41% of the 216,000 reviews being positive. In addition, only 7% of recent reviews for Apex Legends are positive, which is even lower than the number one negative review on Steam, Three Kingdoms.

The 22nd season of Apex Legends will be launched in early August, and Respawn may hope to win back disappointed players by launching new content in the new season.