
Fuyao Glass's factory in the US was searched, and it has returned to normal


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Source: Global Times

[Global Times reporter Zhao Jueyun] In response to the on-site search by the US government agency, Fuyao Glass issued an announcement on the 28th that the company's wholly-owned subsidiary "Fuyao America" ​​in Morean, Ohio, was not the target of the investigation, and was mainly cooperating with the US government agency's ongoing investigation of a third-party labor service company. According to the website of FOX8, a TV station under Fox News in the United States, agents from the US Homeland Security Investigations and some other government agency personnel searched the factory of Chinese glass manufacturer Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Fuyao Glass") in Ohio, USA on the 26th local time.

Fuyao Glass said in the announcement that at around 10 a.m. on the 26th, Fuyao America accepted a door-to-door search by U.S. federal government agencies and supporting local law enforcement personnel. At around 5 p.m. on the same day, the U.S. government agencies left after completing their on-site work. Fuyao Glass said that during the above-mentioned search, some production operations of Fuyao America were suspended on that day, but the transportation and delivery of goods were not affected. After the search, normal operations were resumed on the same day, and production and operations are currently normal.

FOX8 quoted a spokesperson for the U.S. Homeland Security Investigations as saying that federal law enforcement officials are investigating "allegations of financial crimes and labor exploitation" at 28 locations in Ohio, including the Fuyao America factory. Karen Wingard, a special agent in charge of criminal investigations at the IRS Cincinnati office, also said: "Criminal investigation agents are responsible for conducting financial crime investigations, including violations of tax laws, and other financial crimes such as money laundering."

Fuyao Glass said that "Fuyao America" ​​will fully cooperate with the investigation of the US government agencies. The company will closely monitor the subsequent development of the above incident and fulfill its information disclosure obligations in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and normative documents. According to the official information released by "Fuyao America", its factory in Morean City was put into production in 2016 and is one of the world's largest single-unit automotive glass factories.