
Saudi ETF "shocked" for two weeks, with ups and downs, and the enchanting "human-shaped quantitative" phantom


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The two Saudi ETFs continue to experience "shocking" moments.

In the first few trading days after listing, the two Saudi ETFs surged, with turnover rates reaching 700%. Subsequently, due to a large amount of speculation, exchanges and fund companies warned of risks.

Recently, a rumor has been circulating that "private equity uses hardware to increase the speed of order submission, thereby monopolizing the subscription of Saudi ETFs." China Securities Journal reporters have conducted multiple investigations and learned that quantitative investment does have advantages in technology, but it is impossible to monopolize transactions. A large number of retail investors who "do T" are important players in the two Saudi ETFs. Investors with high emotions frequently post their orders for fun, and some investors even play "human quantitative investment", buying and selling more than 50 times a day.

In addition, in the QDII (Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors) ETF ecosystem, the operating strategies of institutions are also very diverse: some use the method of buying new stocks to play with new funds, and some institutions make a lot of profits in the market style changes through portfolio rotation. (China Securities Journal)