
With this kind of plug-in, can we really get more time to work?


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After the web and mobile app platforms, the big model manufacturers are coming againPlugins. . .

Just two days ago, Kimi from Dark Side of the Moon also launched a plug-in version, claiming that it can make us more immersed and focused when searching for information in the browser.

Previously, Shichao also wrote an article to recommend KimiChat to everyone. It is really good at organizing information, especially when it comes to long texts. Many colleagues in the office use it as a daily writing tool.

So when the Kimi plug-in first came out, Shichao was the first to try it out.

Let me first say the conclusion. It does have some highlights, and can serve as an assistant for our daily web browsing, but that’s all. Most of the functions are as expected.

However, this time while trying out the Kimi plug-in, Shichao also collected plug-ins from other major model manufacturers, such as ByteDance's Doubao, Baidu's AI Partner, and so on.

After two days of experience, I found that if you choose a plug-in that suits you, it can really help improve your daily work and study efficiency.

Here, Shichao takes what I think is pretty goodBean curd, and the newly released Kimi pluginLet’s compete.

After downloading and adding the corresponding plug-ins, Kimi and Doubao will automatically display floating windows in the sidebar of the web page.

Don’t worry about how to use them. They are equivalent to AI assistants. If you encounter any problems while browsing the web, just summon them.

Let’s first try the most basic “news website” scenario.

For example, the most popular event these days is the "Paris Olympics". There is too much information on the Internet and people are tired of reading it. At this time, we can use two plug-ins to help us summarize it.

The operation is also very simple, just click the shortcut keys in the side window.On the current page, a floating window will pop upComing out to summarize saves us the effort of going back and forth.

The final answers were all pretty good, the main points of the article were sorted out, and the answers were all quite organized.

Bean bag (left) Kimi (right)

Not only can we summarize the whole article, but also when we encounter something we don’t understand or want to learn more about, the big model plug-ins can help us solve it on the current page.

When Shichao browses technology news websites, he will encounter some more professional terms, and usually he has to jump out and search for a while.

Now you can just select the parts you don't understand with the mouse and the AI ​​plug-in will be automatically summoned. Just move the mouse and a pop-up window will pop up to explain it to you.

This wave inExplanation of word markingIn this regard, Kimi and Doubao each have their own characteristics.

Kimi, in addition to the most basic explanations, also marked the places where we asked questions with underlines, which is similar to the underlining in WeChat Reading.

Even if we close the webpage and reopen it, we can still see the "traces" of what we have read before.

We can even use this function as a tool to mark golden sentences, but it can only be “visible to yourself”.

In order to help us understand more thoroughly, Kimi also thoughtfully provided an entry point for further questions to answer various derived questions.

When it is the turn of the Doubao plug-in, it can also give a decent explanation in the small pop-up window.

The difference is that it won't leave a mark on the page like Kimi did.

And if you want to continue asking questions, you need to do so in the sidebar.

As for these two forms, everyone has their own preferences. . .

However, on foreign websites, the Doubao plug-in is slightly better. Kimi does not support online translation yet, while Doubao can provide Chinese-English comparison.

After trying the online website, I opened a PDF link of a paper to test the ability of these two plug-ins to read papers.

Unexpectedly, Kimi has not yet brought the function of recognizing PDF links to the plug-in version.

Doubao was able to do that. He summarized the abstract in the sidebar in less than two minutes, and we could ask questions in the sidebar while reading the paper.

In addition to these basic capabilities, Shichao also discovered that Kimi and Doubao plug-ins can play a role in our actual writing process.

For example, a few days ago, I was writing an article about the retirement of the father of Java. Before making an outline and looking for information, you can call out the plug-in and let Kimi or Doubao help summarize the life of this person.

Then it will be much easier to find information based on the answers they give.

Bean bag (left) Kimi (right)

But don’t think that’s all, Doubao plug-in can also help us change grammar, rewrite sentences and so on.

This is the effect, which is at the level of "just take a look". At least for Shichao, the utilization rate will not be very high.

In addition, Kimi and Doubao plug-ins each have some miscellaneous functions.

For example, under normal circumstances, the Kimi plug-in will not be connected to the Internet. It answers questions based on its own knowledge base and current web page information.

But there is still a way to get Kimi online. You have to manually @ the search assistant.

There are also translation, calculator, etc., and similar tools can also be @ed out.

As for Doubao, it seems that all the functions of the web version have been moved into the plug-in, such as image generation, AI search, etc., everything you need is available.

You can also use / or @ to summon various skills, but I won't go into details one by one.

To be honest, when big model manufacturers make plug-ins, they simply repackage the capabilities of the original web version and App version and install them on the plug-ins.

Shichao feels that everyone is tired of watching the most basic large-scale modeling competition now. . .

Who can stand out among all the AI ​​plug-ins depends on the interactive ability of the actual operation process.We need to truly integrate plug-ins into the operating habits of more users.

After trying it out this time, I discovered a lot of surprising interactions, such as Kimi's "drawing a line" function.

In the future, if there are more functions like this, maybe plug-ins can really become a major entrance to AI.

However, Shichao would like to remind you that when manufacturers are competing for the entrance, they should also consider the user experience.

For example, when I was trying out the AI ​​plugin this time, I would be at risk of the AI ​​fighting if I clicked on anything on the web page. And some of them were built into the web page, and it took me a long time to find the entrance to turn them off.

In general, as long as the user experience is taken into consideration and the capabilities are acceptable, it will naturally attract more people to use it.

Anyway, when writing articles, Shichao really needs such a handy plug-in...

Written by:squirrel

edit:Jiang Jiang

Art editor: Jessica Hsuan

Image, source

Bean bag, Kimi