
The steel front line is indestructible. LNG came back from 1-2 to defeat LGD! Netizens: Continue to lead the standings


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In the League of Legends S14 Summer Season, LPL has made drastic and comprehensive reforms - a new competition system, a new BP mode, and a new lineup. After the E-Sports World Cup, LPL should have discovered its shortcomings and flaws. There are still a few months before the World Championship, so there is still time to make adjustments.

According to the summer season schedule, three games were scheduled on July 26, namely, LGD in the Summit Group vs. LNG, EDG in the Nirvana Group vs. UP, and FPX in the Summit Group vs. TES.

The steel front row is indestructible, and the steady operation of LNG allows the first to catch up with the second

Since LGD and NIP have already confirmed that they will play in the Knight Road Championship, so this match between LGD and LNG is more symbolic than a real match. Just show your appreciation.

In the first game, LGD was on the blue side, banning Yongen, Crocodile, Titanfall, Jax, and Shen, and picking Gnar, Lillia, Tristana, Kai'Sa, and Leona. LNG was on the red side, banning Ashe, Leblanc, Jayce, Jhin, and Caitlyn, and picking Rumble, Sejuani, Tsar, Ezreal, and Alistar.

As a result, in the first game, both teams played well in the first half, and LGD had the last laugh. Around the 9th minute of the game, Gnar jumped on Rambo's face and Rambo's face just became smaller, and Rambo used his ultimate to counterattack and completed a single kill; around the 11th minute of the game, a team fight broke out at the Nester, LNG played a 1-for-2, and in the pursuit, Gnar killed the Tsar; around the 24th minute of the game, a team fight broke out at the dragon group, LGD's female tank was killed first, and the remaining four played a 1-for-4, and then took the dragon; at the 32nd minute and 40 seconds of the final game, Lilia grabbed the LNG dragon, and then LGD started a strong team fight and played a 1-for-5, and then ended the game in one wave.

In the second game, LNG was on the blue side, banning Jayce, Tristana, Braum, Caitlyn, and Kai'Sa, and choosing Aatrox, Maokai, Lucian, Ezreal, and Rell; LGD was on the red side, banning Yongen, Crocodile, Leona, Kennen, and Quesanti, and choosing Rumble, Lillia, Corki, Draven, and Nautilus.

As a result, the second game was a crushing victory for LNG. Around the 9th minute of the game, a team fight broke out in the river of the dragon. Both sides fought to low health, and Ezreal took Lillia's head. Around the 12th minute of the game, LNG fought against the nest worm, and LGD waited and was hit by the tree, and the LGD bottom lane duo was killed. Around the 19th minute of the game, a team fight broke out in the middle lane. Lillia's ultimate put three people to sleep, and LGD played 2 for 3 in a disadvantageous situation. Around the 23rd minute of the game, Riel drove through the wall to Corki, and the Aatrox followed and killed him, and then LNG took the dragon. Finally, at 30 minutes and 5 seconds, LNG started a strong team fight in the middle lane and took the lead in killing Draven, and then LNG killed four LGD players in succession, ending the game in one wave.

In the final round, LGD was on the blue side, banning Yongen, Crocodile, Ezreal, Gnar, and Shen, and choosing Rumble, Lillia, Zelda, Jhin, and Leona; LNG was on the red side, banning Tristana, Jayce, Leblanc, Corki, and Lucian, and choosing Quesanti, Maokai, Azar, Ashe, and Braum.

In the final round, the two teams reversed the situation, and LNG had the last laugh. At around the 11th minute of the game, Lillia's ultimate stuns Braum and Ashe, and Jhin deals enough damage from a distance to kill both of them, and LGD gets a 1-for-3 trade. At around the 17th minute of the game, Lillia's vanguard crashes into the tower, and Leona's cover is attacked by Braum, leaving her where she is and being killed. At around the 22nd minute of the game, a team fight broke out between the two teams for the dragon. LNG was better at pulling and took the water dragon soul first, and then got a 1-for-1 trade. At around the 23rd minute of the game, LNG surrounded four LGD players and killed three LGD players in the bottom lane. At the 30th minute and 2 seconds of the final game, LNG's water dragon soul directly started a team fight, and LGD had no power to resist. LNG was directly wiped out and won the game.

After LNG defeated LGD, they led the standings with a score of 6-1; and after LGD lost the game, they continued to "lead" the standings without a win. This was equivalent to tricking SG into coming in and killing them.