
Breaking news: Fees will be charged! Netizens are furious


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On July 26, Xianyu issued a public notice:Announced that it will charge a basic software service fee of 0.6% for all sellers (up to 60 yuan per transaction)At the same time, only for sellers who have more than 10 completed orders and a cumulative transaction amount of more than 10,000 yuan in the same natural month, a software service fee of 1% of the actual transaction amount of each order beyond that will be charged

The change will take effect on August 9 and will be officially implemented on September 1.

Many netizens expressed dissatisfaction with this

As soon as the announcement was made, netizens expressed their dissatisfaction and said they would "sit online for an alternative platform."

Some netizens also said they could accept it:

It was revealed that the platform was hiding pornographic transactions

Xianyu responded

Recently, the "color trading" conducted on Xianyu using codes such as "Giant", "second-hand air conditioner", "coins", and "Apple card removal pin" has attracted attention.

According to a report by Dute News, when the reporter searched for "Giant" on the platform, a large number of products appeared, but the copywriting was full of suggestive meanings, such as "for female use" and "can be ridden for XX minutes". On Xianyu, the "Apple SIM card removal pin" priced at 99 yuan had the copywriting "Don't ask me why a SIM card pin is so expensive, some things are not measured by value". There are also "second-hand air conditioners, door-to-door installation" that have been blocked one after another, and the details page is always accompanied by photos of beautiful women. In addition, the 10-cent coins priced from hundreds to thousands of yuan are actually selling pornographic services, and the year of the coin is the age of the service provider.

In response to this, Xianyu staff said that for similar situations, you can upload screenshots and chat records to report, and if the situation is true, the account will be blocked.

Xianyu’s MAU reached 162 million

We will invest firmly in offline stores in the next three years

The "Research Report on Lifestyle Preferences and Purchasing Behavior of Young People" released by QuestMobile shows that with its increasing penetration rate, Xianyu, Xiaohongshu and Bilibili have become the most popular mainstream e-commerce platforms among young people. In 2023, Xianyu's average daily transaction volume has exceeded 1 billion yuan, and the average monthly active users have reached 36.68 million, of which "post-95s" account for 43%.

On July 1, according to the latest report from data platform QuestMobile, in April 2024, Xianyu’s monthly active users reached 162 million, a year-on-year increase of 19.1%.

On July 2, Xianyu President Ji Shan talked about his views on Xianyu offline stores in a media interview. Ji Shan said that Xianyu will make firm investments in offline stores in the next three years. He said that many people think that selling second-hand and unused goods is too troublesome, or that the prices of goods are too low to be worth listing, but in fact, second-hand business cannot be separated from offline. This is something that cannot be avoided and will be done sooner or later. However, community stores may not be the final solution for Xianyu offline stores. There may also be campus stores, logistics stores, franchise stores, etc., using communities as nodes to serve surrounding logistics, campuses, etc.

Source | Xinwen Morning Post, Xianyu APP, Guangzhou Daily, Dute News, Shenzhen News Network, Sina Finance, etc.


Editor of this issue: Jin Shan, intern: Chen Qiqi

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