
The "great victory" of the Ukrainian Army's 79th Brigade: They attacked the Russian armored column, but did they really win?


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Recently, the Russian army's momentum of advancing on all fronts has become very obvious, and the Ukrainian army's decline on the battlefield has triggered a series of internal problems, so mutual attacks between the front and rear, and blaming each other are common.

Even the Ukrainian Army Commander-in-Chief Silsky could not escape the attacks. As for the former Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny, although he has already assumed a new position, he is still often dragged out and scolded.

In this situation, we really want to find some materials to strengthen the Ukrainian army. After all, the Black Sea Fleet has not been able to achieve any results, which is very worrying.

So when everyone talks about the recent "great victory" of the Ukrainian Army's 79th Airborne Assault Brigade, it really arouses interest and must be talked about.

According to the Ukrainian Army's 79th Airborne Assault Brigade, the brigade repelled a large-scale Russian attack on July 24.

The 79th Airborne Assault Brigade said that the Russian army used 57 armored vehicles carrying 200 assault infantry to launch the attack.

The Russian armored column had 11 tanks, 45 armored vehicles, and 1 BMPT tank support vehicle; in addition, the Russian army also used 12 motorcycles.

Ukrainian ArmyReconnaissance dronesThe Russian offensive echelon was discovered first, and the artillery bombarded it afterwards; then the attack drones were put into battle, and the anti-tank teams and minefields also played a role; after destroying the Russian armored vehicles, they continued to kill and injure the Russian infantry.

In the end, the Ukrainian Army's 79th Airborne Assault Brigade claimed to have repelled the Russian attack and destroyed 6 Russian tanks, 7 armored vehicles and all 12 motorcycles, causing 40 Russian soldiers to be killed and 37 injured.

Judging from the situation described by the Ukrainian Army's 79th Airborne Assault Brigade, the Russian army launched an attack on the scale of a battalion-level battle group and suffered company-level losses in the battle.

In the battlefield video released by the brigade, we can see the Russian offensive column being hit by Ukrainian drones, artillery and mines during the attack.

When ordinary readers see these pictures, it is not difficult to think that the Russian army did suffer heavy losses in this attack.

However, the Ukrainian Army’s 79th Airborne Assault Brigade is actually a “master of picture editing”, because although there seem to be a lot of shots, in fact many of them are displays of the same team’s targets at different time periods, different angles, and different attacks.

Therefore, it is not enough to judge the true scale of the Russian offensive based solely on the battlefield footage it released. The actual situation is more likely that several reinforced platoon-level units of the Russian army are deploying troops to the front line.

Since tanks and armored vehicles are not necessarily destroyed with one hit, and the Russian army has made corresponding battlefield modifications, the hitting scenes seen in the video do not mean that the target is instantly destroyed.

Therefore, even from the video, it is impossible to judge the actual casualties of the Ukrainian army.

The information that can be seen from the video is that the Russian army launched an attack of at least company-level scale. The Ukrainian army hit some of the vehicles, but the momentum of the Russian army's attack was very strong.

According to the combat area of ​​the 79th Airborne Assault Brigade and the geographical positioning of the battlefield, the area where the Russian army launched the attack was in the Novomikhailivka-Konstantinovka section.

The battlefield is between Malinka and Vleda, and the Ukrainian Army's 79th Airborne Assault Brigade is the main force of defense.

The 79th Airborne Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Army is an ace unit. Its predecessor was the 40th Airborne Assault Brigade of the Soviet Army. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it was transferred to Ukraine and reorganized into the 79th Air Mobile Regiment. Later, after organizational adjustments, it became the 79th Airborne Assault Brigade.

When the war in eastern Ukraine broke out in 2014, the brigade was one of the few regular main forces that the Ukrainian army could use; especially in the famous battle of Donetsk Airport, the brigade and other defenders were called "semi-robots", which became a symbol of honor for the Ukrainian army's combat at that time.

When the Russian-Ukrainian war broke out in 2022, the 79th Airborne Assault Brigade was deployed in the Luhansk theater on the front line, and there was also a part of the troops in the rear base in Nikolayev.

However, the brigade was in a bad situation at the time. The front was repeatedly defeated due to surprise attacks, and it was the defenders of the brigade that easily lost the Red Liman; the rear base of Nikolayev was bombed by Russian missiles, resulting in huge losses of troops.

Due to heavy combat losses, the 79th Airborne Assault Brigade was transferred out of the original war zone for reorganization and later transferred to the direction of Malinka.

The Russian and Ukrainian armies in the Malinka theater fought a tacit war for a long time. The 79th Airborne Assault Brigade got a good opportunity to rest on the front line and its combat effectiveness gradually recovered.

When Marinka was finally lost, the 79th Airborne Assault Brigade was no longer responsible for the frontal defense, but was transferred south to Novi Mihailivka to organize the defense.

Starting from November 2023, the Russian army began to attack Novomihalivka. The Ukrainian army, mainly with the 79th Airborne Assault Brigade, held the place until it was finally lost in April this year.

The 79th Airborne Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Army claimed that it had destroyed 314 Russian equipment. Of course, this record is also inflated.

However, the Russian army still damaged hundreds of vehicles in this direction. The defensive capability of the 79th Airborne Assault Brigade is indeed impressive, otherwise it would not have been able to hold out in a village of a thousand people for nearly half a year.

After the Russian army captured Novomihaivka, it continued its attack westwards and occupied the village of Paraskevikka. At this point, the Russian army was only one step away from the O-0532 highway line.

The O-0532 road line is the main transportation line connecting Malinka and Vleda.

Although the Ukrainian army lost Malinka, it still controlled the O-0532 road line and a large area of ​​positions to the east.

If this line is lost, it will have a major adverse impact on the defense of Vleda in the south. If the city of Vleda is lost, the entire South Donetsk defense line of the Ukrainian army will be unstable.

Against the backdrop of the successive fall of Novomihaivka and Paraskevivka, Konstantinovka, located on the O-0532 highway, became the top priority.

The location where the Ukrainian Army's 79th Airborne Assault Brigade claimed to have repelled the Russian offensive was in the southeast corner of Konstantinovka.

In addition to the results claimed by the Ukrainian army on July 24, it also claimed to have repelled another Russian attack, in which the Russian army used 3 tanks and 13 armored vehicles to launch the attack; the Ukrainian army claimed to have destroyed 3 of them, and caused 23 Russian soldiers to be killed and 29 injured.

The video released by the Ukrainian army shows drone footage of attacks on Russian infantry, which could certainly be promoted as another great victory.

However, according to geographical positioning, the Russian attack was not without results. It has actually penetrated into part of the eastern suburbs of Konstantinovka village, and Konstantinovka village is about to enter a fierce battle.

Therefore, when discussing whether the Ukrainian army has achieved a "great victory", the key lies in the perspective from which we look at it.

If we simply judge by the standard of whether the Ukrainian army has destroyed Russian equipment and killed or injured personnel, as long as a result is achieved, it is a great victory, then we can say that the Ukrainian army is constantly winning great victories.

Because with the current pattern of Russia-Ukraine positional warfare, it is impossible for the Russian army to attack without any casualties. As long as they attack, there will be casualties, and they will definitely be photographed.

However, being able to photograph the enemy's casualties does not mean that their casualties are as high as reported in the battle reports, nor does it mean that there are no casualties on your side.

As for who actually holds the position, that is another criterion for whether a great victory is achieved.

For example, according to the battle report of the 79th Brigade of the Ukrainian Army, it destroyed hundreds of Russian military equipment in more than half a year. Can this be considered a great victory?

However, the battle line shrank from Novomikhaivka to Konstantinovka. We were winning but ended up retreating. This is not easy to explain.

So whether it is successful or not depends on what everyone needs. Anyway, we have explained the facts of the battlefield once, and it is enough for everyone to understand what they need to understand.