
The update was only one day old, and the 4 major version sons were confirmed. After Hou Yi and Zhen Ji were weakened, the winning rate actually increased.


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Text/Jing Haijun

existHonor of KingsIn the 7.25 update of the official server, the skills and attributes of a total of 8 heroes have been adjusted, and the corresponding hero gradients have also undergone very obvious changes.

Changes in auxiliary positions

There are three heroes in the auxiliary position that have been adjusted this time, namelyCai Wenji, YaoandMing Shiyin

⑴3-bit auxiliary data changes

Cai WenjiThis time, the dual resistance of the third skill has been adjusted, and its data changes are:

  • All tiers: Win rate from 53.7% to 53.3%, appearance rate from 19.4% to 19.4%.

  • Peak Tournament: Win rate from 52.6% to 52.3%, appearance rate from 14% to 13.8%.

  • Top game: Win rate from 52.3% to 52%, appearance rate from 20.2% to 19.9%.

Although the data in all three segments have declined, Cai Wenji is still the strongest among all supports (first in win rate in all three lists), so just play with confidence.

In this adjustment,YaoThe passive CD and the damage of the first skill have been strengthened, but the shield value of the big move has been reduced. The data changes are as follows:

  • All tiers: Win rate from 51.9% to 51.3%, appearance rate from 29.5% to 29.3%.

  • Peak Tournament: Win rate from 51.7% to 50.7%, appearance rate from 18.1% to 18.1%.

  • Top game: Win rate from 52.5% to 51.5%, appearance rate from 21.6% to 21.2%.

After the ability to protect people was weakened, Yaomei's winning rate (especially in high-end games) dropped significantly. I really don't recommend that you blindly grab her in the future.

Ming ShiyinIn this adjustment, his recovery ability was strengthened and the attack speed bonus of the first skill in the early and mid-term was weakened. In the end, his data changed as follows:

  • All tiers: Win rate from 51.4% to 51%, appearance rate from 18% to 17.8%.

  • Peak Tournament: Win rate from 52% to 51.5%, appearance rate from 10.7% to 10.3%.

  • Top game: Win rate from 51.5% to 51%, appearance rate from 17.8% to 17.2%.

Ming Shiyin's win rate has been declining very steadily (around 0.5%), and the strategy of cutting the attack speed this time is still very correct.

⑵ Recommendation of strong heroes for the auxiliary position

Don't have any doubt or hesitation.Cai Wenji(T0) is still the strongest support hero at the moment, no doubt about it.

Changes in developmental pathways

There are also three heroes in the development lane that have been adjusted this time, namelyBaili Shouyue, MengqiandHou Yi

⑴Data changes of the three shooters

After the second skill bullet charging speed is reduced,Baili ShouyueThe data changes are:

  • All levels: Win rate from 52.8% to 52.7%, appearance rate from 16.6% to 16.2%.

  • Peak Tournament: Win rate from 52.7% to 52.6%, appearance rate from 19.1% to 19.1%.

  • Top game: Win rate from 51.9% to 51.8%, appearance rate from 19.3% to 19%.

Judging from the data alone, Baili Shouyao's strength has not been affected by the adjustment of the bullet charging speed of the second skill. Why is this the case? I think the main reason is that Mengqi and Houyi were also weakened at the same time.

In addition, when the CD time is relatively long, reducing the charging time by 3% and reducing the charging time by 0.5 seconds have similar effects, which means that Baili Shouyao's strength in the early stage is not much different from before the adjustment. Therefore, Baili Shouyao's data is almost the same before and after the adjustment.

After the base damage of the first skill is reduced,MengqiThe data changes are:

  • All levels: Win rate from 52.5% to 51%, appearance rate from 8.6% to 8%.

  • Peak Tournament: Win rate from 52.8% to 50.7%, appearance rate from 18% to 16.1%.

  • Top game: Win rate from 53% to 51.2%, appearance rate from 17.8% to 16.1%.

The world has fallen for Mengqi players. If he is not your favorite, don’t play him for the near future.

Hou YiThis time we adjusted the damage of the first skill (weakened in the early stage and strengthened in the later stage), and the data changes are:

  • All levels: Win rate from 52.2% to 51.8%, appearance rate from 30.7% to 30.5%.

  • Peak Tournament: Win rate from 52.0% to 51.8%, appearance rate from 10.1% to 9.8%.

  • Top game: Win rate from 52.2% to 52.5%, appearance rate from 13.7% to 13.1%.

Although he was weakened, Hou Yi's win rate in the top games still increased by 0.3%. Compared with Mengqi, Hou Yi's situation is already very good.

⑵ Recommendation of strong heroes in the development road

After Baili Shouyi, Mengqi, and Houyi were all weakened,Kiara(T0) once again became the shooter with the highest win rate in all ranks.

Changes in the middle

The only mage in the mid lane who has had adjustments is Zhen Ji.

⑴Zhen Ji's data changes

In this adjustment,Zhen JiThe radius of the ice column of the first skill and the number of ricochets of the second skill have been adjusted, and the changes reflected in the data are:

  • All tiers: Win rate from 52.8% to 52.9%, appearance rate from 19.2% to 19.3%.

  • Peak Tournament: Win rate from 50.9% to 51.2%, appearance rate from 14.8% to 14.3%.

  • Top game: Win rate from 50.6% to 50.6%, appearance rate from 16.4% to 15.9%.

I really didn't expect that after some adjustments, Zhen Ji's win rate in all ranks and peak matches has increased. From the perspective of hindsight, when there is no equipment to support it, the second skill bouncing 5 or 6 times may not be very critical?

⑵ Recommendation of strong heroes in the middle lane

I recommend three heroes for the mid-lane mage: If you have the skills, chooseNuwa(T0); If you have points, choose Wu Zetian; if you want a general replacement, choose Zhen Ji.

Changes in Jungler

In this update, only one hero in the jungle position has been adjusted (strengthened).

⑴ Data changes

BleakThis time we adjusted the displacement distance of the big move, and the data changes are:

  • All levels: Win rate from 45.6% to 46%, appearance rate from 5.8% to 5.7%.

  • Peak Tournament: Win rate from 47.6% to 48.1%, appearance rate from 9.1% to 9.3%.

  • Top game: Win rate from 47.2% to 47.5%, appearance rate from 8% to 8.4%.

In the new season, the planners have made unified adjustments to the walls. Many walls that were difficult to pass through before can now be passed through. This is definitely a good thing for regular heroes, but not for Hei. In addition, his jungle speed is really slow, and the problem cannot be solved by simply adjusting the displacement distance by 50 yards.

⑵ Recommendation of strong jungle heroes

I personally recommend the jungle heroMiyamoto Musashi(T0), not only can she fight and resist, but she can also restrain Cai Wenji.

The above is all the content of this update. I am Jinghaijun who writes guides seriously. If you like it, please remember to follow me. Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ