
OpenAI's killer tool SearchGPT was born, challenging Google's $100 billion search empire!


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New Intelligence Report

Editor: Editorial Department

【New Wisdom Introduction】Is OpenAI really here to shake up Google's search empire? SearchGPT, an AI search engine product that was quietly launched late at night, beat Google and Perplexity in a demonstration of the same problem. Will OpenAI be able to "reshape the search engine" that Google's AI Overview failed to achieve?

OpenAI suddenly made a big move late at night——

At midnight today, OpenAI announced the launch of an AI search engine called Search GPT, officially sniping the search giant Google.

According to the Financial Times, OpenAI is ready to take on Google's $175 billion search business.

Ultraman officially announced the news on X, boldly stating: "Today's search functions still have room for improvement"!

Before we could wait for the voice function of GPT-4o, the update of ChatGPT came first.

Ultraman, who has tried SearchGPT, is very satisfied with his new search and said that he prefers this method to the old-fashioned search.

Even “I’m shocked at how quickly I’ve adapted!”

What’s even more exciting is that the high-quality features of SearchGPT will also be integrated into ChatGPT.

Currently, SearchGPT has not yet been opened for public beta testing. Only 10,000 users have been invited. The rest of the users who want to join the internal beta testing must apply manually on the official website.

Application address:

The good news is that, according to Altman, the alpha test will be available to paying users starting next week.

Netizens bluntly stated that SearchGPT is a heavy blow to Perplexity, Google, and Bing. Let the game begin!

SearchGPT is a major blow to Perplexity, Google, and Bing, competing directly with their search services. With its real-time information acquisition and partnerships with major news organizations, SearchGPT is poised to disrupt the search engine market.

Subverting search, it seems to be true

Judging from the official preview demo, it seems that it not only integrates real-time network information, but also includes functions similar to "multi-step reasoning".

Q: When can I see nudibranchs in Half Moon Bay on the weekends?

Google is completely helpless when it comes to questions that contain such specific time and space details, and the vague answers it gives are enough to give you a headache.

SearchGPT doesn’t play tricks on you. It’s straightforward and gives you the exact time point.

He explained that these animals often appear in intertidal zones and on shore rocks, and that you should go during low tide.

A reference link to the tide prediction website is also included.

You can also ask it more detailed questions, such as what is the weather there?

The weather forecast for Half Moon Bay this weekend will be given one by one.

For the same question, Perplexity did provide a series of relevant tips, but it did not give a strong answer to the core question, and only vaguely recommended the "low tide period".

In this round of competition, Google and Perplexity definitely lost.

Real-time response, multi-round dialogue, replacing search engines

Why is there such a big difference between the experience of SearchGPT and Google search?

OpenAI spokesperson Kayla Wood said that the current SearchGPT service is driven by the GPT-4 series of models, using a conversational interface and working method similar to ChatGPT.

According to the traditional search method, when users search on the Internet, they often need to search for different keywords multiple times, which is time-consuming and laborious.

SearchGPT has overturned the traditional search model. You only need to express your search needs like a real-life conversation to get a real-time response, and it supports multiple rounds of conversations.

Based on real-time information and with the help of AI's understanding, reasoning and summarizing capabilities, it is so easy to find the content you want.

Compared with traditional search, SearchGPT's optimization is mainly reflected in two aspects:

First, search results are faster and more accurate, giving full play to the text capabilities of LLM.

Obviously, compared with traditional search engines based on keyword search, AI search has significant advantages in understanding problems and aggregating information.

For example, enter "music festivals in Boone, North Carolina in August" in the search box.

SearchGPT instantly lists several related music festivals clearly. By clicking the link button on the left sidebar, you can also see the source of the information and jump to buy tickets with one click.

Moreover, SearchGPT will provide you with clear links to relevant sources.

When will the 2024 Paris Olympics be held? How is France preparing? It will cite Reuters reports

According to Wired magazine's speculation, SearchGPT likely uses the retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) method to reduce illusions in answers, improve credibility, and generate content sources.

Secondly, not only can you search for results, but you can also continue the conversation about a detail or extended topic.

You must have had this experience: when some new related questions arise during the search process, you can only open a new window to continue searching, and opening more than ten pages in the browser has become a daily routine.

Traditional search engines are one-time search products that end after searching one question.

AI search comes with the ability to generate and converse, and each query shares the same context, allowing users to continue the topic smoothly.

Anyone who has used ChatGPT recently must be familiar with this experience.

For example, after it releases some tomato varieties, we can continue to ask: Which ones can be planted now?

It details the best tomatoes to grow in Minnesota in July.

For example, if you are interested in Jones House after the previous round of searching, you can directly continue to ask, "Is Jones House suitable for the whole family to visit?"

SearchGPT also responded in seconds, "Yes, Jones House is free and open to the public, suitable for all ages, and the whole family can bring a blanket and enjoy the music feast on the lawn."

SearchGPT can handle all the tedious music festival research, details checking, ticket purchasing, etc. in one place, which is fast, convenient and worry-free.

This considerate and efficient search experience makes people feel that OpenAI is indeed the company that understands users the most and has made its products to perfection.

Is Google in danger?

Search giants like Google and Perplexity may have a hard time in the future.

Ultraman's statement that "there is room for improvement in the search function" is full of sarcasm, and it goes without saying who it is referring to.

Of course, OpenAI is also targeting Perplexity AI, which is dominating the field of AI search.

OpenAI’s goal is to eventually integrate AI search capabilities back into its flagship chatbot.

The move is OpenAI's latest effort to challenge Google.

It goes without saying that OpenAI has been leading the early race to build powerful AI chatbots, while Google has dominated online search for the past 20 years.

As of June, Google had a 91.05% share of the global search engine market. Microsoft Bing had only 3.7%, and Pplexity's share was too low to be measured.

Not wanting to be left behind, Google has also tried to embed AI into its search engine over the past two years, bringing in $175 billion in revenue last year, more than half of its total sales.

At the same time, AI hyper-evolution has opened up new paths for competitors, including Perplexity.

This startup, which was founded only two years ago, focuses on one thing: "answer engine" and its valuation has now soared to US$1 billion.

However, Google's "monopoly" and AI startups' single-point layout are facing the danger of being overthrown by OpenAI.

After OpenAI's post and blog were released, the stock price of Google's parent company Alphabet also turned green.

On that day, CEO Pichai himself took the stage and confidently stated that he would use Gemini's AI capabilities to reshape search!

We all know what happened next -

Perhaps by releasing an internal beta first and then gradually opening it up like SearchGPT, we can better control the quality and reputation of the product.

But some netizens are worried that OpenAI will let everyone down again, and the launch of SearchGPT is still a long way off.

Mistral and Meta: Post a model! OpenAI: Post a blog!

Collaborating with publishers and creators

OpenAI said SeachGPT is not just about search, but is also committed to creating a better experience for users to interact with publishers and creators.

Search engines have long been the primary way for publishers and creators to reach users.

Now, conversational interfaces leveraging AI can help users find ideal, high-quality content faster and provide multiple opportunities for interaction.

Search results will include clear content sources and links, and users can also quickly access more results with source links in the sidebar.

News Corp CEO Robert Thomson said Altman and other OpenAI leaders believed that any AI-driven search must rely on "the highest quality, most reliable information provided by trusted sources."

OpenAI also specifically stated in the blog that search results are separate from the training of the GenAI model. Even if you do not provide training data to OpenAI, relevant content will appear in SearchGPT.

OpenAI representatives showed the publishers a prototype of the search feature and said they could choose how their content sources were presented in SerchGPT.

OpenAI's cautious attitude towards cooperation seems to be due to the lessons learned from the past period of time and its intentional avoidance of risks.

Last month, Perplexity used a Forbes story in its search results without accurately attributing the source until the bottom of the page.

As a result, Perplexity’s CEO received a letter directly from Forbes, stating that it would take legal action against this infringement.

Publishers are growing increasingly uneasy about the way AI is reshaping news, given recent widespread traffic declines and the impact of AI on the content industry.

They generally worry that OpenAI or Google's AI search tools will provide complete answers based on the original news content, eliminating the need for users to read the original articles, which will lead to a sharp drop in online traffic and advertising revenue.

Many publishers see value in selling access to their intellectual property to tech giants, which need reams of data and content to refine their artificial intelligence systems and create new products like SearchGPT.

Perhaps, from OpenAI's cooperation with the media, we can infer why it is so eager to develop its search business.

OpenAI is in financial trouble and could lose as much as $5 billion this year, The Information reported this week.

As it happens, search is an extremely lucrative business. In addition to cooperating with media and publishers, there is also the opportunity to make money through advertising.

Financial reports show that Google's search business revenue reached $46 billion in the first quarter of this year alone.

With such lucrative profit prospects, perhaps Ultraman will not be willing to let SearchGPT continue to fail like Sora and "Her".
