
Biden made his first national speech after withdrawing from the election, and the two parties in the United States reacted in completely different ways


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[Global Times Special Correspondent in the United States Feng Yaren Global Times Special Correspondent Wang Cong] On the evening of the 24th local time, US President Biden delivered a speech to the nation in the Oval Office of the White House. This was Biden's first speech after announcing the end of his re-election campaign. "Biden said he withdrew from the 2024 presidential election to defend democracy." CNN reported on this topic, saying that Biden said in his speech that he "will pass the baton to the new generation."

The New York Times stated that in a speech of about 11 minutes, Biden listed some of his foreign and domestic policy initiatives during his term and said that in the next six months, he "will focus on fulfilling the duties of the president." Biden also reiterated his support for Vice President Harris's campaign for the US presidency.

On the evening of the 24th local time, US President Biden delivered a speech to the nation in the Oval Office of the White House. (Visual China)

CNN mentioned that the president's national address in the Oval Office of the White House is an important moment when the country faces a crisis or announces major policies. This speech is the fourth time Biden has addressed the nation in the Oval Office since he became president, and it is also Biden's second speech in just 10 days. Earlier this month, after Trump's "attempted assassination", Biden addressed the nation, emphasizing that the United States needs to "lower the political temperature" and unite.

Biden's latest speech has caused completely different reactions from both parties in the United States. According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) on the 25th, Democratic lawmakers praised Biden after his speech, calling it "a wonderful speech by a historically accomplished politician." Former President Obama posted a message on the social platform to thank Biden, saying that "Biden has served the American people all his life." Senate Majority Leader Schumer said that Biden's decision to withdraw from the re-election campaign was "a great patriotic act for this country."

The Republicans launched an attack. The BBC said that some Republican lawmakers said Biden's speech did not ease people's concerns about Biden continuing to serve as president for the remainder of his term, which ends in January next year. Scott DeJarlais, a Republican congressman from Tennessee, said: "Biden's speech left the American people with more questions than answers." The New York Times said that Biden did not give any other reasons for his decision to withdraw from the campaign except that it was time to pass the baton to the younger generation.

The BBC believes that Biden's speech will not silence Republican critics. Some Republicans, including Trump's running mate Vance, claim that if Biden is not fit for re-election, then he is not fit to continue in office. In response, White House press secretary Jean-Pierre said at a press conference on the 24th that Biden would not resign, he was "absolutely" capable of completing his term, and any claim that Biden was unfit to serve as president was "ridiculous." Jean-Pierre added that Biden's decision to withdraw from the re-election campaign "has nothing to do with health," but she declined to give further details.

The Associated Press analyzed on the 25th that Biden made "implicit criticisms" of Trump in his speech. Although he did not directly name Trump, Biden implied in his speech that Trump was a "threat to American democracy." The report said that just an hour before Biden delivered his national speech, Trump again mentioned "fraud" in the 2020 presidential election at a campaign rally.

"Biden's speech was a moving political drama and a condemnation of Trump." The British "Guardian" analyzed on this topic on the 25th, saying that although Biden did not mention Trump in his speech, he expounded two completely different governing philosophies, and these two philosophies will conflict again in November.

According to the U.S. "Politico News Network", on the 24th local time, the Rules Committee of the Democratic National Convention overwhelmingly approved the online nomination process, and the Democratic Party will nominate a presidential candidate before August 7. According to the report, Harris, who has the support of the vast majority of Democrats, is almost guaranteed to be nominated as a presidential candidate. However, according to a person familiar with the matter, Harris's campaign team needs to select a running mate before August 7, which gives her team only two weeks to complete the complex review process for several potential competitors.

A CNN poll released on the 24th showed that there was no clear lead between Harris and Trump, but the competition was more intense than earlier polls on the matchup between Biden and Trump.