
The Diamond Sutra written in red ink by Master Hongyi is like hearing the Dharma just by seeing the words!


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Master Hongyi

Master Hongyi was not only a talented art educator, but also an eminent monk. His "twenty articles shocked the whole country." He pushed the ancient Chinese art of calligraphy to the extreme, with "simple, clumsy, perfect, and natural." Modern cultural celebrities such as Lu Xun and Guo Moruo considered it a supreme honor to receive a piece of calligraphy from the master.

His calligraphy is like pure gold and unpolished jade, cool and transcendent, rigorous and pure, elegant and free, and full of music. His style is reflected in his simplicity, and he is able to contain all kinds of styles with his non-existence. He embodies the Confucian humility, the Taoist naturalness, and the Buddhist tranquility in his calligraphy. Hearing the words is like hearing the Dharma. Those who love and treasure them will feel happy, and those who obtain them will treasure them like a treasure. It can be regarded as a rare work of Chinese calligraphy throughout the ages. When Master Hongyi gave up all his arts and possessions and entered the Buddhist monastery in his middle age, he continued to write calligraphy, writing Buddhist teachings, making good connections, and saving all living beings. He believed that literature and art should be "transmitted by people, not by art."

Today, we appreciate his red-brush copy of the Diamond Sutra.

Master Hongyi's "Excerpts from the Diamond Sutra" was written in 1936. The entire scroll is more than 20 meters long. This version is a masterpiece among Master Hongyi's surviving calligraphy and a representative work of handwritten sutras.

Master Hongyi wrote this sutra in the style of running script, mainly using a round brush with a center tip. The lines are very beautiful and lively, while the starting points of the strokes are mostly slightly protruding and implicit, making it a very valuable collection of materials.

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