
There are so many problems to be solved in autonomous driving丨Painting Hot Topics


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Source: Cover News

The operation of driverless taxis faces challenges and difficulties at multiple levels, including technical challenges, safety, social acceptance, infrastructure, regulations and policies, economic and business models, and human resources.


Environmental perception and recognition

In complex urban environments, driverless vehicles need to accurately identify and respond to sudden appearances of pedestrians, bicycles, pets, etc., which remains a huge challenge.


Weather conditions

Bad weather such as heavy rain, heavy snow, and dense fog will affect the performance of sensors and increase the difficulty of perception and navigation.


Maps and Location

The creation and maintenance of high-precision maps is a challenge, especially when cities are changing rapidly. Accurate positioning technology also needs to continue to improve.


cyber security

Autonomous vehicles rely on complex software systems and network communications, making them easy targets for cyber attacks and requiring effective cybersecurity measures to prevent hacker attacks.


System reliability

Ensure the reliability and stability of vehicle systems and avoid safety accidents caused by system failures.


Emergency treatment

In the event of an emergency or system failure, how to handle the emergency and ensure the safety of passengers and other road users.


Ethical issues

In the event of an unavoidable accident, how driverless vehicles make decisions involves complex ethical and moral issues.


legal liability

The legal liability of driverless vehicles in the event of an accident is still unclear and requires further improvement of regulations and policies.


Data Privacy

Autonomous vehicles collect and process large amounts of data, and how to protect the data privacy of passengers and pedestrians is an important issue.

Cartoon: Yang Shicheng