
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba in Guangzhou today


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[Global Times-Global Network reporter Bai Yunyi] At the Foreign Ministry press conference on the 24th, a reporter asked about the visit of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba to China and his talks with the Chinese side. In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning introduced that this morning, Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba in Guangzhou.

Mao Ning introduced that Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that China and Ukraine are friendly countries to each other, and what has been accumulated in the course of exchanges between the two sides is friendship and cooperation. The two countries established a strategic partnership more than a decade ago, respect each other, treat each other as equals, and continue to advance mutually beneficial cooperation. The two heads of state emphasized that it is necessary to view and plan the relationship between the two countries from a long-term perspective and to push forward China-Ukraine relations and bilateral cooperation. We should follow this, maintain communication and exchanges, enhance mutual trust, continue traditional friendship, promote people-to-people friendship, and promote the healthy and stable development of China-Ukraine relations.

Mao Ning introduced that Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee has opened a new round of comprehensive deepening of reforms. China's comprehensive promotion of Chinese-style modernization will bring new opportunities to people of all countries. Ukraine is one of the first countries to support and participate in the joint construction of the "Belt and Road". In recent years, China has been Ukraine's largest trading partner and the largest exporter of agricultural products. In the first half of this year, bilateral trade volume showed a rapid growth momentum, showing the space and potential for cooperation between the two countries. The two sides should give play to the role of the cooperation mechanism between the two countries and strengthen practical cooperation in various fields. China will continue to expand grain imports from Ukraine and jointly maintain the smooth flow of logistics channels and international food security. Thank you for the help provided by Ukraine in the early stage of the conflict for the evacuation of Chinese citizens, especially international students, and hope that Ukraine will continue to take effective measures to ensure the safety of Chinese personnel and institutions in Ukraine.

Mao Ning also said that the two foreign ministers exchanged views on the Ukrainian crisis. Wang Yi pointed out that the Ukrainian crisis has entered its third year, the conflict is still ongoing and there is a risk of escalation and spillover. China has always been firmly committed to promoting a political solution to the crisis. President Xi Jinping's "four shoulds" provide important guidelines for this. On this basis, China and Brazil also jointly issued a six-point consensus, covering the three principles of conflict norms, the three elements of the peace talks plan, the three concerns of humanitarian protection, as well as the prevention of nuclear risks and the stability of the supply chain. It has gathered the greatest common denominator of the international community and received widespread response and support.

She said that China believes that the resolution of all conflicts must ultimately return to the negotiation table, and that all disputes must be resolved through political means. Recently, both Russia and Ukraine have signaled their willingness to negotiate to varying degrees. Although the conditions and timing are not yet ripe, we support all efforts that contribute to peace and are willing to continue to play a constructive role in ceasefire and resumption of peace talks. China is concerned about the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and will continue to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

Mao Ning introduced that Foreign Minister Kuleba said that China is a great country, and Ukraine and China are strategic partners and important economic and trade cooperation partners. Ukraine supports China's position on the Taiwan issue and will continue to adhere to the one-China principle. Ukraine hopes to jointly implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, consolidate political mutual trust, activate cooperation in various fields such as economy, trade and agriculture, and strengthen exchanges between local sister cities. Ukraine highly appreciates the positive and constructive role played by China in promoting peace and maintaining international order. Ukraine attaches importance to China's opinions and has carefully studied the six-point consensus reached by China and Brazil on the political solution to the Ukrainian crisis. Ukraine is willing and ready to conduct dialogue and negotiations with Russia. Of course, the negotiations should be rational and substantive, aiming to achieve a just and lasting peace.

Other highlights of the press conference