
"How far are the stars from me?" Professor Yang Zhigen, a researcher at the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, will tell you


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In order to further promote the scientific spirit, popularize astronomical knowledge, and cultivate students' spirit of exploration and spatial imagination in the aerospace industry, on the afternoon of July 17, the Municipal Science and Technology Association's "Benefiting the People's Science Popularization Express" jointly with the Begonia Academy and the Holiday Office in Sanxing Town, Chongming District, invited Professor Yang Zhigen, a researcher at the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and vice president of the Shanghai Astronomical Society, to hold a popular science lecture entitled "How far are the stars from me? - Childhood dreams start with paying attention to the starry sky."

Professor Yang gave an in-depth and easy-to-understand lecture on topics such as "Chang'e Project's lunar exploration achievements", "Progress in Mars exploration", and "Humans and aliens". The students listened with great interest and it stimulated their strong interest and curiosity in science.

Professor Yang introduced the achievements of the Chang'e Project's lunar exploration to the students in detail. The video of Chang'e-3's lunar exploration gave the students a direct understanding of the "work site" after Chang'e-3 landed, and the interesting story of the rock and soil brought back by Chang'e during the lunar exploration made the students feel that the achievements of lunar scientific research were hard-won; the current status of research on Mars inspired the students to have a heated discussion on the possibility of living on Mars, and the high-definition video of "Mars Exploration" shocked the students; the topic of "Do aliens exist?" inspired a heated discussion among the students, and the story of the gift to aliens - the Voyager Golden Record led to the infinite imagination of human communication with aliens.

At the end of the lecture, the students actively raised their hands to answer the professor's questions and asked questions enthusiastically. Professor Yang answered everyone's questions in detail with his profound knowledge.

This lecture allowed the students to further understand astronomy, feel the infinite charm of the universe, broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge. Facing the fascinating universe, the students showed a strong interest in learning and expressed their willingness to study hard, carry forward the spirit of aerospace, and pursue their dreams of the stars and the sea.

In order to actively implement the important concept of "people's city" and help improve the overall scientific literacy of Shanghai citizens, the People's Science Express will continue to aim at "sinking resources", "shifting the focus downward" and "decentralizing services", further reducing the burden on streets and towns, increasing capacity and improving efficiency, promoting the overall improvement of grassroots science popularization service capabilities, and bringing more high-quality science popularization activities to community academies across the city and to the general public.

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The "Benefiting the People Science Express" is a brand project that the Shanghai Association for Science and Technology integrates the featured activities of relevant commissions, bureaus, societies, science education bases and social organizations and pushes them directly to the grassroots. You can follow the WeChat public accounts of the Shanghai Association for Science and Technology or the Shanghai Science Popularization Center to learn about the latest event information.

Source: Shanghai Science Popularization Center