
Beware of explosion! The cooling artifact freezing spray is actually a "mini gas tank"


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Among the many "cooling magic tools" that have become popular in recent years, "instant freezing spray" may be the one with the most shocking effect.

According to the merchant's demonstration, as long as you spray it at an object for a while, the temperature of the object's surface will drop sharply, and even produce an "instant freezing" effect, which looks and feels very cool.

The cooling effect of "freezing spray" is real, but it is not suitable as the first choice for daily heat prevention.This product has many safety risks and may even cause explosion if used improperly

What's in Freeze Spray?

What exactly is this "freeze spray" that comes in a metal pressure can?Its main components are some compressed liquefied gases with boiling points far below room temperature.These liquefied gases not only play a refrigeration role, but also serve as the power source for the aerosol spray.

"Freezing spray" relies on liquefied gas refrigeration | Tuchong Creative

When the valve is opened, the liquefied gas forms a mist and is ejected under the pressure difference. Without the high-pressure environment, the small droplets will quickly vaporize and absorb a large amount of heat, which will cause the surface of the object in contact with the mist to cool down rapidly. As long as the distance is close enough and the contact time is long enough, the "freezing spray" can indeed reduce the local temperature by dozens of degrees Celsius in a short period of time, and even condense the water vapor in the air into frost.

In commercially available "cryogenic sprays", the common liquefied gas components are small molecule alkanes, such as propane or butane.Some sprays are labeled with the main ingredient "LPG", which is actually the abbreviation of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) - yes, the one in the "gas tank". Liquefied petroleum gas is a by-product of petroleum processing. Its main ingredients are also propane and butane, and it also contains a small amount of propylene, butene, etc.

“Freezing spray” has a significant cooling effect, but it is short-lived and can easily lead to local overcooling.Rather than preventing heatstroke and cooling down, it is more commonly used for temporary pain reliefLowering the temperature of the skin can numb sensory nerves, thereby reducing the perception of pain - we sometimes see this used in sports.

In sports, freezing spray is often used for temporary pain relief and swelling reduction | Luca Nebuloni/Wikipedia

Improper use, beware of explosion

A large portion of "freeze sprays" contain highly flammable alkanes, so they must be stored and used with caution, otherwise they may cause fire or even explosion.

[Dangerous operation, please do not imitate] Pressure tank aerosol ignited by open flame | dalem50

Precautions for use include:

  • Keep away from open flames and heat sources when using, and avoid static sparks.

  • Pay attention to ventilation during use to avoid accumulation of flammable gas.

  • Do not smoke during use or for a short period of time after use.

  • Store spray cans in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

  • The maximum storage temperature should not exceed 50℃.

  • Do not store large quantities at home.

  • Even if the contents appear to be empty, do not open or puncture the can, let alone burn it in a fire.

Many businesses claim that "freezing spray" can cool down the interior of a car that has been exposed to the sun.However, the security risks of this usage are particularly prominent

The car is a small, enclosed space. If the "freezing spray" is used without adequate ventilation, flammable gases will accumulate, which may explode if they encounter sparks. In addition, the temperature inside the car often exceeds 50°C in summer. If the spray can is left in the car, it is easy for the can to burst due to the heat.

Don't leave pressure spray cans in your car | Tuchong Creative

Due to the high safety risks, airplanes, subways and trains have strict restrictions on aerosols containing flammable gases, and it is best not to carry them when traveling.

Flammable aerosols can be identified by the flammable symbol or text | Wikipedia

In addition to the risk of fire, long-term and close contact with "freezing spray" may also cause frostbiteThis type of spray has strict restrictions on spraying distance and time, so please read the product instructions carefully before use.

In general, although "freezing spray" can really cool people down, it only lasts for a short time and has many restrictions on its use. If you really need to use it, you must strictly follow safety principles.


Author: Window Knocking Rain

Editor: Luna

Cover image source: Tuchong Creative

This article comes from Guokr and may not be reproduced without permission.