
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: National coordination of basic pension insurance for enterprise employees and steady progress of individual pension system


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Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: The pilot work on occupational injury protection for employees in new employment forms is progressing smoothly

Cailianshe reported on July 23 that Chen Feng, spokesperson of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, introduced at a press conference of the State Council Information Office today that the national coordination of basic pension insurance for enterprise employees and the individual pension system are progressing steadily. The pilot work of occupational injury protection for employees in new employment forms has progressed smoothly. As of the end of June, a total of 8.86 million people have participated in the insurance in seven pilot provinces and cities. The basic pension level of retirees has been adjusted, and the supervision of social security funds and the investment and operation of basic pension insurance funds have been strengthened. The pilot of direct settlement of cross-provincial medical treatment for work-related injury insurance has been actively promoted. As of the end of June, the number of participants in basic pension, unemployment and work-related injury insurance nationwide was 1.071 billion, 243 million and 299 million, respectively, an increase of 14.23 million, 3.88 million and 4.78 million year-on-year. From January to June, the total income of the three social insurance funds was 4.1 trillion yuan and the total expenditure was 3.6 trillion yuan. The accumulated surplus at the end of June was 8.8 trillion yuan, and the system was generally stable. The number of social security card holders nationwide is 1.38 billion, and more than 1 billion people have received electronic social security cards at the same time.

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: The phased reduction of unemployment insurance premiums in the first half of the year has reduced costs for enterprises by 85.9 billion yuan

Chen Feng, spokesperson for the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said at a press conference today that the employment situation is generally stable. We have launched an action to promote employment in the advanced manufacturing industry, strengthened support measures to help the silver economy grow, strengthened the professionalization of domestic services, and promoted the quality and expansion of employment. We will continue to implement the unemployment insurance policy to support enterprises and stabilize employment, and reduce unemployment insurance premiums in the first half of the year to reduce costs for enterprises by 85.9 billion yuan. We will increase efforts to help college graduates and other young people find jobs and start businesses, implement a tough action to prevent poverty from returning to employment, organize large-scale vocational skills training, continue to improve the employment public service system, and continue to develop the human resources service industry. In the first half of the year, 6.98 million new jobs were created in urban areas. The national urban survey unemployment rate was 5.0% in June.