
Zelensky once again sent out a "peace talks signal" and acknowledged the possibility of peace talks with Russia. The Russian side responded


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[Global Times Special Correspondent in Russia Xiao Xinxin, Global Times Special Correspondent Liu Yupeng] According to TASS on the 21st, Ukrainian President Zelensky admitted the possibility of peace talks with Russian representatives, including with Russian President Putin, in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). In response, the Russian side said that it is currently impossible to make a judgment on Zelensky's statement.

Ukrainian President Zelensky's profile picture Source: Visual China

"If a plan is developed at the second peace summit and if Russia is willing to discuss the plan, then we will be willing to negotiate with Russian representatives together with our partners. As for whether the other party is Putin or not, what difference does it make?" Zelensky also said: "If we want to end the war and we have all the power to end the war, if the whole world unites around Ukraine, then we will talk to those who decide everything in Russia." According to reports, Zelensky had previously stated that Russian representatives should attend the second Ukrainian peace summit.

According to the BBC, Zelensky also said in the interview that the world must put pressure on Russia to force Russia to consider a diplomatic solution. "This does not mean that all territories are taken back by force. I think the power of diplomacy can help." He said that weakening Russia on the battlefield will put Ukraine in a more advantageous position in negotiations. "By putting pressure on Russia, I think it is possible to reach a diplomatic solution."

According to a report by RIA Novosti on the 22nd, in response to Zelensky's statement on the possibility of negotiations with Russia, Russian President's Press Secretary Peskov said on the same day that "overall, this is certainly better than a statement refusing any contact with the Russian side and the Russian head of state." Talking about dialogue in various ways is also much better than talking about the intention of "fighting to the last Ukrainian." However, Peskov said that as for the meaning behind Zelensky's remarks, what the specific "plan" he referred to is, and what measures will be taken in this direction, the Russian side cannot make a judgment at present and needs to wait for some specific actions.

According to the website of the Russian newspaper "Moscow Komsomolets" on the 21st, the first deputy chairman of the Defense Committee of the Russian State Duma (lower house of parliament) Zhuravlev said that Zelensky's remarks on the possibility of negotiations with Russia were just "playing for the West". He wanted to show his so-called attitude of seeking a peaceful solution to the conflict in this way, and in turn let Russia bear the criticism of refusing to attend the so-called peace summit. Zhuravlev said that Zelensky had no choice, and he knew very well that if he continued to be "stubborn", then once Trump was elected as the US president, the United States would completely cut off the "oxygen supply" to the Ukrainian authorities. Zhuravlev said that Zelensky had changed his views many times, so in principle, Russia and Ukraine could sit at the negotiation table, but the negotiations were conducted entirely through intermediaries.

"Zelensky may be changing his position on negotiations with Russia, despite the prohibition in Ukrainian law," Radio France Internationale commented on the 22nd. The report also said that Zelensky seemed to admit the idea of ​​direct dialogue, which overturned some of his previous preconditions, such as the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory. The report analyzed that the main reasons for Zelensky's change of attitude were that the Ukrainian army was in trouble on the front line, the increasing "fatigue" of Western aid to Ukraine, and the impact of the US election prospects.

According to the Ukrainian Independent News Agency on the 22nd, the Ukrainian army is under increasing pressure on the front line. The commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Serski, said on social media that the Russian army is actually carrying out active offensives of varying intensities on the entire front line. In the Donetsk region, the Russian army continues to attack in the direction of Pokrovsk. Fierce fighting is going on in Krasnohorivka, Chasov Yar and other places. In addition, the Russian army has not given up the plan to capture Stelmakhovka, Makeyevka and other places, and is trying to seize the alluvial plain islands on the left bank of the Dnieper River.

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the 22nd that the Russian army continued to improve the situation and repel the Ukrainian army in Kharkiv, Donetsk, Kherson and other directions, and controlled more favorable offensive routes and positions. The Russian "Military Observation Network" said on the same day that at present, the Russian army maintained an active and rapid offensive in all directions and recently controlled several key locations.