
The regulator reported a number of cases involving illegal stock speculation, etc.


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(Original title: The regulator notified multiple cases involving illegal stock speculation, etc.)

[Global Network Financial Comprehensive Report] On July 22, according to ChinaSecuritiesAccording to the report, the China Securities Association recently compiled and sorted out the bribery crimes and violations of securities practitioners in recent years.Stock TradingRelated cases were reported to the industry recently. They include six typical cases of bribery and seven cases of illegal participationstocktradecase.

Among them, the typical cases of illegal stock speculation disclosed by the China Securities Association highlight the strictness of industry supervision. Including He who illegally borrowed other people's accounts to trade stocks and privately accepted clients' commissions to buy and sell securities, and was given a warning, fined and confiscatedIllegalincome; Sun Mouchun was also warned and fined by the local Securities Regulatory Bureau for accepting clients' commissions to manipulate stock account transactions; Zhu Mou bought and sold stocks without authorization and failed to declare his investment in accordance with the law during his employment in securities and funds. His illegal income was confiscated and he was fined; Zhou Moujie took advantage of his position to leak undisclosed information to insinuate others into trading and used other people's accounts to trade stocks illegally. He was fined by the local Securities Regulatory Bureau; Hu Mou used other people's accounts to trade stocks for a long time. The China Securities Regulatory Commission confiscated his illegal income and imposed a fine on him; Zhao Moujun used other people's accounts to buy and sell stocks privately and was also fined.

According to China Securities Journal, what is particularly serious is that Xiong Moutao, as a senior executive of a securities company, directly and indirectly manipulated multiple accounts to conduct large-scale stock transactions and sought huge profits, seriously violating securities laws and regulations and was ultimately banned from the securities market for life.