
Dr. Li Sheng was posthumously awarded the title of "Outstanding Communist Party Member"


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(Original title: The Party Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University posthumously awarded Comrade Li Sheng the title of "Outstanding Communist Party Member")

Li Sheng’s work photo (screenshot from the WeChat public account of “Department of Cardiology, First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University”)

On July 21, the Party Committee of the First Clinical Medical College (School of Information and Engineering) and the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University decided to posthumously award Comrade Li Sheng the title of "Outstanding Communist Party Member".

Previous reports

Wenzhou doctor Li Sheng was murdered while working in an outpatient clinic. Insider: The murderer is the patient's family member

In the early morning of July 20, the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University (hereinafter referred to as "Wenzhou First Hospital") published a mourning article: At about 13:00 on July 19, Dr. Li Sheng of the hospital's cardiovascular department was suddenly attacked by a man with a knife during outpatient treatment, causing multiple serious injuries. After the incident, the hospital immediately organized multiple experts to jointly treat Dr. Li Sheng. Due to his severe injuries, the rescue was ineffective and he unfortunately died at about 21:00 on July 19, 2024.

Wenzhou First Hospital said that Dr. Li Sheng was a diligent, dedicated and selfless medical worker, and all staff expressed deep condolences for the death of Dr. Li Sheng. At present, relevant follow-up work is being carried out in an orderly manner.

Public information shows that Li Sheng is the attending physician of the Department of Cardiology at Wenzhou First Hospital, the head of the cardiology treatment group, and a member of the Interventional Group of the Cardiovascular Professional Committee of the Wenzhou Medical Association. He is good at the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

On the afternoon of July 19, the Wenzhou police reported: At about 13:18 on July 19, 2024, the public reported that a man jumped from a building after injuring a doctor at Wenzhou First Hospital. The police rushed to the scene to deal with it immediately. At present, the injured doctor and the man who jumped from the building are being rescued. The case is under further investigation.

Economic Observer learned that when Li Sheng was stabbed, he was working overtime in the outpatient clinic and had not had time to eat lunch. After the incident, many of Li Sheng's colleagues, peers and some patients posted messages on social platforms to mourn him. The Li Sheng they met was a good doctor.

On July 19, Economic Observer called the public telephone number of Wenzhou First Hospital regarding the relevant matter, but the staff said it was inconvenient to respond. No one answered the phone number of the hospital's publicity department.

The picture shows the notice issued by Wenzhou police

Plus sign was killed in outpatient clinic

It is reported that Wenzhou First Hospital is one of the most influential hospitals in the local area, with a large number of outpatient visits per day, ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 people.

A surgeon from the hospital who was familiar with Li Sheng told Economic Observer that Li Sheng was enthusiastic and would add many numbers every time he saw outpatients, so the clinic on the 19th was not over until around 1 p.m. and he had not even had lunch.

The above-mentioned surgeon has seen the on-site video and told Economic Observer that the person who attacked Li Sheng was a family member of a patient who had undergone surgery at Wenzhou First Hospital.

Currently, there is no public information about Li Sheng's age. Economic Observer has learned that the 39-year-old rumor on the Internet is not true.

Transfuse tens of thousands of milliliters of blood, the old dean participated in the rescue

The surgeon said that during the attack, Li Sheng suffered multiple injuries, including ruptures in the liver, pancreas, intestines, abdominal aorta, and vena cava, and was rushed to the operating room for emergency treatment. Dozens of medical staff from departments including vascular surgery, liver surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, pancreatic surgery, and urology surgery participated in the rescue. The hospital's 70-year-old dean and hepatobiliary surgery expert Zhang Qiyu also rushed to the operating room.

The doctor recalled that the rescue started at around 1:00 p.m. and lasted until around 9:00 p.m. During the rescue, Li Sheng's blood pressure was very low, first 60 and 40, then the lower pressure dropped to 20, and the blood pressure could not be raised.

After transfusing tens of thousands of milliliters of blood, Li Sheng ultimately could not be saved.

After the tragedy, many medical staff were overwhelmed with grief and fear. The doctor said: "We are all in danger."

The picture shows the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University (data map)

Li Sheng in the eyes of many colleagues and patients

After Li Sheng passed away, many colleagues posted messages on WeChat Moments to mourn her.

"Why are so many people so upset and unable to sleep all night? Because no one can accept that such a good doctor would have such an ending." A doctor wrote that Li Sheng was the only attending physician in the hospital who could be the head of the treatment team, and half of the coronary artery surgeries in the hospital were performed by him.

Another doctor wrote: He is the best doctor in our cardiology department, no one else. He is the first person we think of when we encounter problems. He is the most dedicated doctor to his patients, no one else. He missed his last master's degree exam to save a patient, so he will never be promoted to associate professor. He is also the most optimistic person, no one else. All troubles disappear in his laughter.

A doctor met Li Sheng on his second day at work. In his impression, Li Sheng lived on the second floor of the dormitory. He was sunny and handsome. He held a thick English medical book all day long and was always cheerful: "His humor, optimism and generosity always attracted us. Every time we met, his charm and humor always made me forget all the fatigue of the day."

Another colleague wrote: "We are all suffering from insomnia, unable to fall asleep, and the gloom is heavy. Such kind and bright doctors and teachers are frozen in WeChat and phone calls, curing diseases and saving lives, teaching and educating people, and forgetting to eat and sleep. How many people have received the kindness and still owe a thank you."

Many patients also mourned Li Sheng on social media platforms. A patient's family member publicly stated that his grandfather's heart stent surgery was performed by Dr. Li Sheng: "At first, someone recommended him and said he was a very good doctor. I was still wondering, what's so good about the attending doctor? Later I heard that he was always treating patients and had no time to do academic research or write papers..." Grandpa's surgery was very successful. Now, she dare not tell her grandfather the bad news about Dr. Li Sheng, "I'm afraid he can't accept it. He will definitely ask again during the next checkup why he didn't find Dr. Li..."