
Wuhan's central enterprise with the highest market value has undergone a major reshuffle of the board of directors and the board of supervisors, with an average salary of 348,000 yuan per person


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ExecutivesIn mid-July, Hubei Energy Group Co., Ltd. (000883) completed the renewal of its board of directors and board of supervisors. Most of the members were new faces, which can be described as a "major reshuffle."

according toSecond Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024According to the election results, He Hongxin, Tu Shanfeng, Gong Ping, Han Yong, Luo Rencai and Pan Chengliang were elected as non-independent directors, and Yu Liangmin, Yang Hanming and Chen Haisong were elected as independent directors. Among them, only Tu Shanfeng and Yang Hanming were re-elected, which means that among the 9-member board of directors, 7 are new faces.

In the election of supervisors, Yu Bin, Wei Ling and Li Huihua were elected. Together with the newly elected employee supervisors Zhang Zhimeng and Li Chunhua, all five supervisors are new faces.

At the first meeting of the 10th Board of Directors (Board of Supervisors) held subsequently, He Hongxin was elected as Chairman, Tu Shanfeng and Gong Ping were elected as Vice Chairmen, Yu Bin was elected as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and Wei Ling was elected as Vice Chairman. He Hongxin also served as Chairman of the Strategic Committee.

In the appointment of senior management, the board of directors appointed Tu Shanfeng as general manager, Peng Jiyin, Chen Kuiyong, Jiang Dezheng, and Li Haibin as deputy general managers, and Wang Juntao as chief accountant, secretary of the board of directors, and general legal counsel. All senior management were reappointed. Xiong Weixiang and Liu Xiao were appointed as securities affairs representatives to assist the secretary of the board of directors.

The new chairman, He Hongxin, was born in October 1969. He holds a master's degree and is a senior accountant. He has held various positions in Three Gorges New Energy, Three Gorges Group, and Three Gorges Investment. He is currently the deputy chief accountant of Three Gorges Group and secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Hubei Energy.

The new Vice Chairman Gong Ping was born in February 1973 and holds a master's degree. He has served in Hubei Financing Reinsurance Group, Hubei Small and Medium Enterprises Financial Service Center, Hubei Credit Information Co., Ltd., Yichang Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Yichang Municipal Government Research Office, and Director of the Policy and Regulations Department of Hubei State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. He is currently the Strategic Investment Director and General Manager of the Financial Development Department of Hubei Hongtai Group.

Tu Shanfeng, who was just elected as the vice chairman, is a male born in November 1965. He has a postgraduate degree, a doctorate, and is an associate professor. He has served in various positions at all levels, including the Standing Committee of the Wuhan Municipal People's Congress, Wuhan Port and Shipping Development Group, and Hubei Port Group. Tu Shanfeng has served as general manager since July 2023, for more than a year.

The new Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors, Yu Bin, female, was born in September 1965 and holds a master's degree. She has served as Deputy Director and Party Group Member of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Commerce and is currently Deputy Chief Economist of the Three Gorges Group.

The chairman and the chairman of the board of supervisors are from China Three Gorges Corporation, while the vice chairman Gong Ping and Tu Shanfeng (also general manager) are from Hubei. Gong Ping, Tu Shanfeng and Yu Bin all have experience working in government agencies.

This is related to the shareholder structure of Hubei Energy. The largest shareholder of Hubei Energy is Hongtai Group, which holds 27.55% of the shares, but the second and third largest shareholders are China Yangtze Power and China Three Gorges Corporation. Together with China Yangtze Power Investment and China Yangtze Yichang Energy Investment, they hold a total of 46% of the shares, and the controlling shareholder is China Three Gorges Corporation.

It can be seen that although the company's name is Hubei Energy, the actual controller is the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, which is a listed central enterprise. However, the major shareholder Hongtai Group also holds a large proportion of shares, so it also has a greater say in corporate governance.

Hubei Energy is registered in Wuhan and is the listed central enterprise with the highest market value in Wuhan. In 2023, Hubei Energy's per capita salary was 348,000 yuan, an increase of 10,000 yuan from 2022, ranking eighth among listed companies in Wuhan.

In 2023, the highest paid person was former chairman Zhu Chengjun, who received about 1.14 million yuan, 43,000 yuan less than in 2022. Secretary Wang Juntao's salary increased by 200,000 yuan to 990,000 yuan. Several other deputy general managers also received salary increases to varying degrees. Deputy general manager Li Haibin, who took office in March last year, also received a salary of more than 550,000 yuan.

(Note: The "salary" or "average salary" mentioned in this article includes wages and bonuses, employee welfare expenses, five social insurances and one housing fund, enterprise annuity, supplementary retirement benefits, etc., and is before tax; the data in this article comes from Tonghuashun iFind, Oriental Fortune Choice and Wind Terminal)