
After installing floor heating, should I lay tiles or flooring? After the analysis by an insider, I regretted installing it too early.


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As the cornerstone of home decoration, the floor has a wide area and a variety of materials, including two major mainstreams: flooring and floor tiles. Today, we will conduct an in-depth analysis to explore which material is more suitable for laying under your feet and which finish can create a warm and comfortable home atmosphere, making every inch of the home exude a pleasant atmosphere.

First, let's look at the classification of floor tiles and floors. The field of floor tiles is also rich and colorful, and various types of floor tiles have different functions. In terms of construction techniques, there are the elegance of glazed tiles, the stability of anti-slip tiles, the brightness of polished tiles, the charm of antique tiles, and the small and exquisite mosaics dotted in between. However, due to the size limitations, mosaics are not widely used on the ground, and are mostly seen in wall decoration. Today, we focus on the preferred choice for large-area floor paving - glazed tiles. Glazed tiles are forged at high temperature and high pressure. Their surface is either matte and restrained, or shiny and shining. The patterns are diverse and the colors are rich. They are very popular and have become the ideal choice for floor decoration in many families.

In addition, full-body tiles are also very popular. Their bright colors and uneven surface texture naturally give them anti-slip properties. In addition, they have good water absorption properties, making them particularly suitable for places full of water vapor, such as bathrooms, kitchens and balconies. Full-body tiles are frequently seen in these spaces. At the same time, polished tiles are also widely used. Their surface is as smooth as a mirror, with excellent hardness and strong wear resistance, making them the preferred choice for high-traffic areas such as corridors and living rooms. The beauty of polished tiles lies in their gloss and toughness, but their slightly inferior anti-slip properties are a flaw in the ointment.

Choose polished tiles carefully in humid environments to prevent slipping hazards and ensure home safety. Floors are used in a variety of ways on the ground, with different types and qualities, and construction techniques and material selection standards are also uneven. Floor heating is often laid under the floor to increase the thermal insulation performance of the space. Although floor tiles can also be used for thermal insulation, the effect is not as good as that of floors, because they conduct heat and dissipate heat quickly, and continuous heating is required to stabilize the room temperature, otherwise the temperature difference will fluctuate greatly. However, the advantage of floor tiles is that they are water-resistant and have no worries about warping and twisting, thanks to their materials and craftsmanship. Floor tiles are also convenient to maintain, but the texture is slightly inferior, and it is difficult to match the warm and comfortable atmosphere created by floors.

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