
Beijing will issue 20,000 new energy vehicle quotas, and the shortlist is announced! The highest score is 60 points


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On July 21, according to the "Beijing News", this morning, Beijing has issued 20,000 new energy passenger car quotas to car-free families. After the quota allocation was completed, the list of shortlisted families was announced based on the points ranking.The highest-scoring family had 60 points, and the lowest-scoring family had 54 points.(Previous report: Beijing will issue 20,000 new energy quotas to car-free families! Here are ten questions and ten answers——)
It is worth mentioning that compared with the allocation of new energy indicators for 2024 in May this year, the "score line" for household new energy indicators has been reduced from 60 points to 54 points. Family applicants can log in to the Beijing Passenger Car Index Regulation and Management Information System to check whether they are shortlisted.
The allocation method of this additional quota is still to sort the families from high to low according to their total points. For families with the same total points, they will be ranked according to the earliest registration time of the family applicants in the Beijing Passenger Car Quota Regulation and Management Information System, and the quota will be allocated to the first 20,000 car-free families.
As previously reported, appearing on the shortlist does not mean that the indicator has been achieved.The indicator confirmation notice can only be obtained after the kinship and marital status are verified.
[Source: "Beijing Release" official account]
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