
The U.S. military has destroyed 12,000 nuclear warheads in 30 years. It is actually reducing the number and increasing the efficiency.


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The National Nuclear Security Administration under the U.S. Department of Energy recently stated that as of September 2023, the U.S. nuclear arsenal has a total of 3,748 nuclear warheads. From fiscal year 1994 to fiscal year 2023, the United States has destroyed more than 12,000 nuclear warheads. Another 2,000 nuclear warheads have been eliminated and are awaiting disposal.

△ Screenshot of the report from the Ukrainian National News Agency website

In March this year, Frank Ross, deputy director of the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration, said that the United States has not yet made a decision to increase its nuclear arsenal, but is seriously studying the issue.

  Wei Dongxu, editor-in-chief of Global Military Report of China Central Radio and Television Global Information Broadcast, analyzed and pointed outEven if a large number of old nuclear warheads are eliminated, the United Statesnuclear weaponThe scale is still very large, and the US approach is actually to reduce quantity and increase efficiency.

The number of nuclear warheads announced by the United States this time is 3,748, in order to show the outside world that the number of nuclear weapons currently in the United States is still very large, and it is one of the highest in the world. Data released by the National Nuclear Security Administration of the United States show that the United States has indeed eliminated a large number of nuclear warheads, but this elimination is to reduce quantity and increase efficiency. Some old nuclear weapons have been eliminated and dismantled, and the remaining nuclear weapons have been maintained and refurbished. At the same time, the US military has strengthened the delivery capability of nuclear weapons. For example, after a large number of B-21 stealth bombers are put into service, the air-based nuclear force will be strengthened. In the past, they used F-15,F-16These nonStealth FighterThe delivery of tactical nuclear weapons has been replaced by the F-35A, which makes the delivery and use of tactical nuclear weapons more concealed and more capable of penetrating defenses. In addition, new strategic nuclear submarines and new land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles can further increase the effectiveness of nuclear weapons. Therefore, even if the United States destroys 12,000 nuclear warheads, it has not weakened its nuclear deterrence and nuclear blackmail capabilities.

△ Screenshot of the report on the website of Russia Today TV station

Regarding the statement by Frank Ross, deputy director of the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration, that the United States believes it is necessary to engage with Russia on arms control issues to reduce risks, Wei Dongxu believes that the key lies in whether the time is ripe for the United States and Russia to engage in nuclear arms control dialogue.

After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States and Russia faced great resistance to communication and dialogue at the military and strategic levels. The two sides basically did not have direct dialogue or communication on core issues at the military and strategic levels. Under such circumstances, it is also very difficult to directly discuss and communicate on the issue of reducing nuclear weapons.

The US's announcement of its nuclear weapons numbers at this time may be a way of testing Russia. If Russia also announces its numbers, or contacts the US on this issue, and if the US political winds change in the future, the US-Russia negotiations on nuclear weapons reduction may be launched or resumed more quickly.