
League of Legends Mobile 2nd Anniversary: ​​Super League loser group KBG narrowly defeated NOVA to advance to the finals!


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On July 20, 2024, Beijing time, the much-anticipated League of Legends Mobile 2nd Anniversary Celebration and the Super League Summer Loser Group Finals and 1V1 Track Finals officially kicked off at the Sichuan Gymnasium in Chengdu. In the end, with a more outstanding performance, KBG successfully defeated NOVA with a total score of 4-3 and successfully advanced to the finals to meet TT. In the 1V1 track, WBG.Byck successfully won the championship. So, in such a crucial game, how did KBG defeat NOVA, and how did WBG.Byck become the Solo King? Let's find out together!

Loser's Finals

first round:

KBG: Garen, Wei, Yasuo, Zelie, Galio

NOVA: Crocodile, Titan, Sword Demon, Xia, Barrel

Not long after the game started, a small-scale team fight broke out in the river in the bottom lane, and NOVA's support player Yami took the "first blood" of Yasuo. Afterwards, NOVA, who had gained an advantage in the bottom lane, pressed forward step by step, directly forcing KBG Zeli's flash, and NOVA's mid-lane Sword Demon decisively supported, and NOVA got the kill again. Although NOVA gained an advantage in the top lane again with the advantage in the early stage, it paid a heavy price for an impulsive rush to the first tower in the middle lane. KBG won a team fight very beautifully, and the disadvantage in the early stage was completely reversed. After that, KBG accelerated the rhythm, and in the subsequent waves of team battles, KBG won repeatedly. In the end, KBG successfully snowballed and defeated NOVA with a relatively large advantage, winning the first game. The MVP was given to the jungler DaT who opened the key C position in many team battles.

Game 2:

KBG: Sword Princess, Lillia, Sword Demon, Zeli, Ornn

NOVA: Jax, Titan, Garen, EZ, Tree

In the second game, NOVA came to the blue side. Not long after the game started, NOVA's top and jungle ganks successfully helped the duo lane get the "first blood" and "killed" KBG's duo lane. NOVA once again gained an advantage in the early stage. After gaining an advantage in the bottom lane, NOVA continued to put pressure on the bottom lane. The jungler Titan ganked again. Although NOVA's auxiliary anti-tower "died", NOVA "killed" KBG's duo lane again. After the duo lane "died" twice in a row, KBG decisively chose to change lanes. Unexpectedly, NOVA's duo lane also changed lanes and "killed" KBG's duo lane again with the help of the top and jungle. The three consecutive "deaths" of KBG's duo lane directly led to KBG falling into a huge disadvantage. NOVA played steadily and snowballed around the duo lane. In the end, NOVA defeated KBG and regained a city. The MVP was given to ADC player Soil, who directly played a 4036 economic difference with EZ.

Game 3:

KBG: Sword Demon, Lillia, Yasuo, Varus, Ornn

NOVA: Garen, Titan, Jie, Zeli, Big Tree

Not long after the start of this game, KBG's duo lane got the first blood with the cooperation of the jungler. Although there was a mistake in the top lane tower crossing, and Lillia was also "single-killed" by Zed, the rhythm in the early stage was still in the hands of KBG. The most critical team battle in this game took place in the top lane around 10:30. KBG suddenly accelerated the rhythm, and while winning a wave of team battles in the top lane, it also finally expanded the economy. Afterwards, KBG continued to engage in team battles with NOVA and continued to snowball. Although KBG successfully took down the big dragon later, it did not affect NOVA's crystal base, but the economic advantage was already something NOVA could not resist. In the end, KBG won this game in one go. The MVP was given to the jungler DaT, who performed very well in many team battles. At the same time, this was also his second MVP in this round of games.

Game 4:

KBG: Sword Demon, Evelynn, Lucian, EZ, Ornn

NOVA: Crocodile, Barrel, Jayce, Xia, Tree

Compared with the first three games, the pace of the early stage of the fourth game was much slower. The first blood still occurred in the top lane. With the help of the barrel, NOVA's duo lane successfully got the "first blood" of the mid-lane Lucian. But after that, the two sides had exchanges, but the economy did not substantially open up. The key point of this game was around 13:00. The two sides broke out in a team fight at the big dragon. NOVA took the lead in "killing" KBG's auxiliary barrel. Then, with the advantage of numbers, NOVA successfully fought a one-for-five team fight and successfully took down the big dragon. After taking down the big dragon, NOVA was unstoppable and won the game in a relatively easy way. At the same time, the MVP of this game was given to the very active crocodile, and the 4413 positional economic difference was also quite eye-catching.

Game 5:

KBG: Sword Demon, Barrel, Yasuo, Kaisa, Leona

NOVA: Garen, Lillia, Jayce, EZ, Big Tree

Not long after the start of this game, NOVA's duo lane exerted its strength, not only completing the "line kill" but also successfully getting the "first blood". Afterwards, the NOVA duo lane, which had already gained an advantage, completed the "kill" again with the help of the jungler. The game came to about 6 minutes, and NOVA and KBG broke out in a wonderful team fight at the big dragon. NOVA relied on the early advantage to play a beautiful one-for-four. However, when it was thought that this wave of team battles could lay the foundation for NOVA's victory, the tenacious NOVA joined forces with NOVA at the subsequent dragon, successfully played a one-for-five team battle, and also brought the two sides back to the starting line. After that, the two sides went back and forth, but NOVA always maintained the economic lead. This situation lasted until about 17 minutes, in a team battle at the dragon, NOVA played a two-for-four after taking the earth dragon soul. Although there was still a sword demon left on the KBG side, facing three KBG in the later stage, there was no way to stop the opponent from demolishing the base crystal. In the end, NOVA won this game and got the match point. The MVP was given to NOVA's jungler Long.

Game 6:

KBG: Garen, Centaur, Zoe, Xia, Minotaur

NOVA: Sword Demon, Barrel, Yongen, EZ, Titan

Not long after the start of this game, the junglers and duo laners of both sides had a 3V3 duel in the bottom lane. With better operations, KBG not only got the "first blood", but also "killed" NOVA's duo lane. After this wave of team battles, although NOVA slowed down its rhythm and wanted to defend and drag the late game, KBG, which had already gained an advantage in the early stage, did not give NOVA such an opportunity. In the big dragon group at about 14 minutes, KBG forced a group, and NOVA, who had not developed well, did not choose to join the group, but wanted to try to grab the big dragon. However, KBG did not give NOVA any chance in this game. In the end, it won a complete victory with a record of 9-0-18. At the same time, KBG also got the match point, and the two sides went directly to the deciding game. The MVP of this game was given to Anran9, who helped the team break NOVA's defense.

Game 7:

KBG: Sword Demon, Titan, Yasuo, Zeli, Ornn

NOVA: Yongen, Evelynn, Jayce, EZ, Tree

Perhaps because it was the deciding game, both sides played very cautiously in the early stage. It was not until about 10 minutes into the game that both sides broke out with "kills", and KBG successfully "killed" two NOVA players. Because of this sudden team fight, KBG has gained an advantage. However, NOVA is a top team after all. Even though it is at a disadvantage in "kills", it has slowly recovered in terms of economy and even surpassed KBG. KBG, whose eyes were not in the right situation, chose to fight NOVA at the Ancient Dragon. However, this time, KBG won the fight, Titan successfully took down the Ancient Dragon, and KBG successfully won the most critical team fight, and took NOVA away in one wave, winning the loser's group final. And this game was given to Uu, who had full control in the key team fight!

1V1 Mode Finals

Game 1: NOVA.Soil VS TT.Xin (win)

In this game, TT.Xin banned Varus and Vayne, while NOVA.Soil banned Crocodile and Yasuo. TT.Xin chose Volibear, while Soil locked on Lucian. This was a very classic "long-handed vs. short-handed" duel. But in the end, TT.Xin won two games in a row and defeated NOVA.Soil with a total score of 2-0.

Game 2: WBG.Byck (winner) VS Mengqi

In the second game, WBG.Byck chose to ban Crocodile and Noxus, while Mengqi banned Crocodile and Jax, which WBG.Byck was very good at. In the first round, WBG.Byck chose Jayce, while Mengqi took out Irelia. Mengqi is worthy of being the king of passers-by. With Irelia, he "killed" WBG.Byck over the tower and won the first round. However, after successfully winning the first game, Mengqi did not continue to choose Irelia but chose Varus. But what was unexpected was that WBG.Byck did not give Mengqi another chance. In the subsequent third game, even though Mengqi took out Irelia again, WBG.Byck, who was in a super hot hand at this time, completed his revenge on Irelia with Jayce. And WBG.Byck won the second game by chasing one and two.

Game 3: NOVA.Soil VS Mengqi (win)

The third game was the battle for the third place. In this game, NOVA.Soil banned Crocodile and Yasuo, while Mengqi banned Varus and Lucian. In this game, Soil used Vayne for two consecutive rounds, and Mengqi also used Varus for two consecutive rounds. But in the end, Mengqi's Varus was superior, and Mengqi successfully defeated NOVA.Soil with a total score of 2-0 and won the third place.

Game 4: TT.Xin VS WBG.Byck (win)

The fourth game was the championship battle. TT.Xin banned Crocodile and Varus, while WBG.Byck banned Crocodile and Yasuo. TT.Xin and WBG.Byck both picked Noxus and Jayce in the first and second rounds respectively, and the two sides tied 1:1 in the first and second rounds. However, in the third round, TT.Xin suddenly changed his strategy and picked Garen, while WBG.Byck still chose Jayce. In the most critical third round, WBG.Byck chose the most stable way to demolish a tower in exchange for the final victory. And WBG.Byck finally won the championship and became the Solo King!

With the end of the 5V5 mode track loser finals and the 1V1 mode finals, the "League of Legends Mobile" Super League Summer Season 5v5 track finals and star exhibition game will officially start on July 21. The Super League Summer Season 5v5 track finals will be between KBG and TT. So, who will have the last laugh and win the championship? Let's wait and see!