
Top 10 popular side jobs for young people


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A survey conducted by Nanjing University shows that there are more than 80 million people in China who work while also having a side job.

What does this mean? According to the data of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions in 2023, the total number of employed people in China is about 402 million. In other words, about 1 in every 5 workers has a side job.

On Xiaohongshu, notes about side jobs have been viewed 2.98 billion times. On Weibo, the topic of "Side Jobs Are Really Necessary" has been read 500 million times and generated 553,000 discussions. On Douban, the group "A Day When Side Jobs Fail" has 355,000 members.

Today, we have summarized some "side job guides" from a data perspective.

1. What to do as a side job: Self-media is the most popular, followed by selling goods and creating side jobs. Young people have developed a variety of side jobs, such as coaching a criminal defense case for 9.9 yuan, persuading students to study for a week for 29.9 yuan, cooking at home for 50 yuan, and teaching how to make coffee for 99 yuan. More expensive ones include beauty guidance, jewelry design, door-to-door storage, cosplay commissions, etc.

But when it comes to the most popular sideline jobs among young people, self-media ranks No. 1, followed by e-commerce, street vendors/offline shops, online writers/freelance writers, editing/dubbing, etc. If these sideline jobs are summarized, there are only two camps: one is to take advantage of the Internet to do part-time online work, and the other is to transform their interests and skills into productivity.

However, among these ten popular side jobs, the failure rate is relatively high, such as companionship services such as playing games/accompanying doctors to the hospital/accompanying shopping, editing/dubbing, photographers, street vendors/offline shops, and designers/illustrators.

2. Who is doing side jobs: Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are not among the top three, and educators are the main force

Young people from Wuhan, Dongguan, and Ningbo are working even harder on their side jobs. Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou are only ranked 8th, 4th, and 9th, and Shenzhen is not even on the list. It turns out that the side job masters are all hidden in the new first-tier cities.

In general, nearly 40% of young people have side jobs that are related to their main jobs. Among them, educators are the main force in side jobs, followed by construction workers and media/advertising workers.

3. Is a side job realistic? Nearly 70% of adults earn less than 3,000 yuan a month

A survey conducted by the Houlang Research Institute shows that 67% of young people have a monthly income of less than 3,000 yuan from their side jobs, and even 15.4% do not make any money from their side jobs.

Most of those who earn over 10,000 yuan a month from their side jobs have income from their main jobs, especially the elites who earn over 30,000 yuan a month.

There are also differences in different cities. Young people in first-tier cities are more likely to choose Internet projects such as e-commerce and programming, while people in third- and fourth-tier cities are more likely to choose tutoring/training, fund investment or driving online ride-hailing.

4. Beware of the sideline assassins: 60% of the money spent on courses is wasted

From the promotional copywriting of "Easy for newbies to get started" to "Achieve monthly income of over 10,000 yuan in 30 days", it attracted 30% of young people to pay for it.

Among them, new media operations, Python programming and video editing are the three most popular courses for side job learning.

However, 60% of the young people felt that their money was wasted. Dubbing courses, Python programming and video editing ranked first, second and third among the courses that cost money.