
Myanmar, sudden breaking news!


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There is sudden important news from Myanmar.

On July 19, local time, the Myanmar State Administration Council announced that Myanmar's interim President Myint Swe is receiving treatment for illness. The Myanmar State Administration Council said that Myint Swe has been receiving regular treatment since the beginning of 2023 due to mental system-related diseases. Currently, he is receiving intensive treatment because he is unable to carry out daily activities including eating.

Some observers pointed out that as Myint Swe’s health condition deteriorates and there is no clear candidate for vice president, if Myint Swe is unable to perform his duties, the Myanmar State Administration Council may face a major test in maintaining political stability.

At present, the overall security situation in Myanmar remains severe. Since the military government returned to power, political, economic and social uncertainties have increased in Myanmar; party struggles, conflicts between the military and ethnic armed groups in northern Myanmar have expanded, and the security situation in low-income and conflict areas has become increasingly tense.

Myanmar Breaking News

According to the CCTV News client, on July 19 local time, the Myanmar State Administration Council announced that Myanmar's interim President Myint Swe is receiving treatment for illness.

The Myanmar State Administration Council said that due to mental illness, Myint Swe has been receiving regular treatment since the beginning of 2023. He is currently receiving intensive treatment because he is unable to carry out daily activities, including eating.

In February 2021, Myanmar's interim President Myint Swe issued an order declaring a one-year state of emergency and transferring state power to the Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Forces. The Defense Forces General Headquarters subsequently established the State Administration Council, with Min Aung Hlaing as chairman of the council. The Myanmar National Defense and Security Council announced several extensions of the national state of emergency for six months on January 31, 2022, July 31, 2022, February 1, 2023, July 31, 2023 and February 1 this year in accordance with relevant provisions of the Constitution.

In fact, since April this year (2024), there have been rumors that Myint Swe is critically ill, but the Myanmar State Administration Council has not responded before.

At present, the domestic situation in Myanmar is still turbulent. The ongoing state of emergency is about to expire on July 31 this year. Previously, the Myanmar State Administration Council has repeatedly extended the state of emergency on the grounds that the domestic situation has not yet stabilized, and promised to hold elections in the future. Some observers pointed out that under the background of deteriorating governance capabilities, unstable domestic situation, and deteriorating health of key figures, whether the Myanmar military can fulfill its promises and smoothly transition is the focus of widespread attention from the outside world and one of the biggest uncertainties in Myanmar at present.

As Myint Swe's health deteriorates and there is no clear candidate for vice president, if Myint Swe is unable to perform his duties, the Myanmar State Administration Council may face a major test in maintaining political stability.


Myint Swe, also known as U Myint Swe, was born in May 1951. He is a Mon politician from Myanmar. He is currently the Acting President and First Vice President of Myanmar. He was the former Governor of Yangon Province and a native of Mon State, Myanmar.

Myint Swe graduated from the Myanmar Defense College in 1971. He later served as the commander of the 11th Division of the Yangon Military Region, the commander of the Yangon Military Region, and the general director of Myanmar's military security affairs. He holds the rank of Lieutenant General. After retiring, he served as the Chief Executive of Yangon Province from 2011 to 2016. After Vice President Tin Aung Myint Oo resigned in 2012, he was nominated as the Vice President of Myanmar by the military parliamentary group, but lost his qualification as Vice President because his son-in-law is an Australian citizen.

In March 2016, he was nominated as vice president by the military, which once again sparked controversy over his nationality. On March 15, he received 213 votes in the Myanmar Union Parliament and was eventually elected as the first vice president.

On February 1, 2021, a coup took place in Myanmar, with Myanmar President Win Myint, State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi and others detained by the military. That morning, Myanmar's military television station issued a statement announcing the takeover of power.

At the same time, the Myanmar Presidential Palace issued Order No. 202101, announcing that because the Federal Election Commission refused to deal with the erroneous voter list, the country was in danger. The three branches of national legislation, judiciary and administration were authorized to be managed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Forces Min Aung Hlaing, and the country was placed in a state of emergency for one year.

On the morning of February 1, 2021, Myanmar’s military television station announced that Myanmar Vice President Myint Swe took office as acting president.

Since then, the highest power in Myanmar has been held by General Min Aung Hlaing, Chairman of the State Leadership Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Forces.

Political instability

The national state of emergency that has continued since 2021 has had a significant impact on Myanmar's economic development and people's lives. After the World Bank's 2023 regional economic assessment of Myanmar, it pessimistically believed that Myanmar is facing a "fragile recovery."

The World Bank describes Myanmar today as political instability, social unrest, power shortages, currency depreciation and inflation. The report also points out that although the economy in the ASEAN region has gradually rebounded from the trough, Myanmar has become a special case, and Myanmar's economic output is expected to remain far below the level of 2019.

At present, the overall security situation in Myanmar remains severe. Since the military government returned to power, political, economic and social uncertainties have increased in Myanmar; party struggles, conflicts between the military and ethnic armed groups in northern Myanmar have expanded, and the security situation in low-income and conflict areas has become increasingly tense.

Since the end of 2023, Myanmar has fallen into deep chaos, with constant conflicts between ethnic armed forces (ethnic armed groups), between ethnic armed groups and the military government, and between the military government and the Burmese democratic forces. The military government has been defeated repeatedly, making the political prospects of Myanmar even more confusing.

Experts analyzed that the prospects of Myanmar's originally scheduled general election are unclear, economic and livelihood challenges have yet to be resolved, and armed conflicts between the central and local governments continue. On January 31, 2024, Myanmar's National Defense and Security Council announced that it would extend the state of emergency for another six months from February 1, 2024, and it will expire on July 31.

The state of emergency has been extended again, and the prospects for Myanmar's multi-party democratic elections are uncertain. According to the report of the National Defense and Security Committee meeting previously released by Myanmar media Myawaddy Daily, general elections will only be considered when conditions are met, such as holding general elections nationwide, people being able to vote independently, and maintaining peace throughout the country. The report also emphasized that "general elections cannot be held hastily in advance, but must be systematically prepared."

Source: China Securities

Statement: All information content of Databao does not constitute investment advice. The stock market is risky and investment should be cautious.

Editor: He Yu

Proofreading: Liu Rongzhi

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