
Nanfang Finance Observation | Guided by standards and connecting with Hong Kong and Macao, Guangzhou Nansha builds a data asset management industry ecosystem


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Southern Finance Omnimedia reporter Ma Jialu reports from Nansha

Guided by international standards, production factors that help companies’ digital transformation are accelerating in Nansha, Guangzhou.On July 19, the standards-led enterprise digital transformation and the release and promotion event of the international standard ISO 55013 "Asset Management Data Asset Management Guidelines" were held in Nansha, Guangzhou. The Data Asset Management Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the ISO 55013 Data Asset Management Alliance were also established in Nansha at the same time to provide support for the industrial application of standards and the digital transformation of enterprises.

ISO 55013 is the world's first international standard for data asset management. It is in line with national conditions and in line with international standards, providing enterprises with practical tools and methods covering the entire life cycle of data asset management. Jiang Xiaomin, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Nansha Development Zone (Nansha Area of ​​the Free Trade Zone), said that Nansha will take ISO 55013 as a guide to promote the development of digitalization, informatization and intelligence in the manufacturing industry, improve the quality and growth rate of the development of the real economy, and further strengthen the policy support for Nansha's data elements, promote the creation of a full-chain ecological system for data asset management and data intellectual property protection and application, and inject a steady stream of "Nansha power" into the development of the Greater Bay Area.

The event site. Photo by Xu Xiaoqiong, trainee reporter of Southern Finance

Standards lead the digital strategic transformation of enterprises

Promoting the effective management and utilization of enterprise data resources is the key direction of the current development of the digital economy. ISO 55013 originated from an in-depth investigation of enterprises. As early as 2019, when the Nansha District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau cooperated with the Guangzhou Institute of Standardization to build a scientific and technological project, it was learned during the investigation that enterprises wanted to tap the huge potential value of their data, but suffered from the lack of unified standards and implementation paths. After research and judgment, the plan to formulate international standards passed the ISO/TC 251 project application in 2021. After three years of coordination with nearly 50 senior global experts, it was officially issued globally on July 3 this year.

According to Yang Xiaofeng, convener and project leader of the ISO 55013 standard, the ISO 55013 standard covers all aspects of data definition, collection, storage, analysis, use, and protection, providing enterprises with detailed implementation guidelines and method tools for data lifecycle management, data quality management, data security and protection, data governance, and data value realization, supporting enterprises in making analytical decisions, optimizing business processes, and enhancing competitive advantages.

Managing data from the perspective of assets involves the strategic transformation of corporate development, and requires the coordination of multiple departments such as management, information technology, business and finance departments, using data asset management as an important governance tool to improve operational efficiency and decision-making quality, and enhance innovation capabilities and risk management levels. Yang Xiaofeng said that ISO 55013 will drive standard certification bodies, data service (consulting) agencies, academic institutions, law firms, evaluation companies, accounting firms, data exchanges, and financial institutions to participate widely, and is expected to form a new track for a new round of digital economy.

At the meeting, Guangzhou Standardization Research Institute, Beijing University of Science and Technology and Guangdong Zhujiang Zhilian Information Technology Co., Ltd. jointly initiated the establishment of the Data Asset Management Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, aiming to promote technical research, standard development and industrial application in the field of data asset management. The laboratory also jointly launched the ISO 55013 Data Asset Management Alliance with many other institutions, promoting the formation of an industrial service matrix system in Nansha that gathers law firms, accounting firms, asset appraisal companies, data service providers, data exchanges, data technology companies and other data element stakeholders and banks, insurance, guarantees, investments and other scene parties to create a data asset management industry ecosystem.

Elements converge to explore and create the "Nansha Practice"

The ISO 55013 standard will be first implemented in Nansha, where it originated, to guide key industries and leading enterprises to carry out practical applications of data asset management, gather related industries, and explore the "Nansha Practice" sample of taking the lead in creating an international standard industry service matrix for data asset management in Nansha, Guangzhou. At the meeting, ISO 55013 application-related parties and practice demonstration units signed contracts respectively, using scenario demonstrations to drive the digital transformation of enterprises in manufacturing, finance, medical care, retail and other industries.

"ISO 55013 provides a systematic method and framework for enterprise data asset management, which can help enterprises better identify, manage and utilize data assets, maximize the value of enterprise data assets, broaden the ideas of digital transformation, improve decision-making efficiency and operational efficiency, thereby improving product and service quality and enhancing market competitiveness, especially in the global market." Wang Jun, legal director of Dark Matter Intelligent Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., said that in the future, the company will use ISO 55013 as a basis to integrate and sort out the company's existing data, carry out the work of entering data assets into the balance sheet, and reshape the company's valuation system through the entry of data assets into the balance sheet. It is also looking forward to its subsequent performance in pledge financing.

Located at the "C position" of the Greater Bay Area, Nansha is the only national-level new area in Guangdong Province, the largest area of ​​the Guangdong Free Trade Zone, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Comprehensive Cooperation Demonstration Zone. It has unique location advantages, broad development space, outstanding strategic position, openness to the world, and sufficient supply of factors.

Yang Ziqiao, Business Director of Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, believes that as data assets become increasingly important assets, how to efficiently manage and operate these data assets has become an urgent need. As an internationally leading data asset management standard, ISO 55013 provides guidance for data asset management, which will help Hong Kong and Macao to keep pace with the international standards in the field of data management, and can also lead the advanced methods of data asset management. This time, by joining the Data Asset Management Alliance, we can learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, realize the sharing of data resources between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao, jointly study data asset management theories and technologies, and promote the integrated development of data between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao.

Today, Nansha has become a pioneering demonstration site for the development of the digital economy, with frequent favorable policies to promote the practice of digital transformation. At the end of last year, Guangdong's "Three-Year Action Plan for the Construction of the Digital Bay Area" and the Guangzhou version of the "Twenty Data Articles" (i.e., the "Implementation Opinions on Better Playing the Role of Data Elements to Promote the High-Quality Development of Guangzhou") and other policies were successively introduced to support Nansha's pilot projects and promote the economic development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao through digitalization. In June this year, the Guangdong version of the "Twenty Data Articles" (i.e., the "Implementation Opinions on Building a Data Basic System to Promote the High-Quality Development of the Data Elements Market" issued by the General Office of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the General Office of the Provincial Government) also emphasized that in Nansha, a major platform, we should focus on the exploration of the fields of data element aggregation, governance, development and utilization, transaction circulation, security, cross-border flow, and industrial agglomeration to create a "Bay Area Model" for the data element market.

With the advancement of the construction of Digital China, my country's digital economy has entered a stage of rapid development, and data as a new production factor has received great attention. In order to activate the value of digital factors, cultivate new industries, new models, and new momentum, and help enterprises transform digitally, Zheng Kang, director of the Nansha District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, said that the market supervision department will combine its own functions, firmly grasp the leading role of ISO55013 international standards in activating the value of data factors and guiding the digital transformation of enterprises, and take the lead in exploring and building an industrial service matrix system that gathers law firms, accounting firms, data service providers, standard certification agencies and other data factor stakeholders and financial scenario participants such as banks, insurance, and investment, guide enterprises to transform data resources into data assets, and use data to improve operational efficiency and decision-making quality, enhance innovation capabilities and risk management levels, and create a good ecology for the deep integration and development of the digital economy and the real economy with "numbers" leading "new" opportunities.