
Xu Jinjiang is popular again! He spent 50 million yuan to build an art center. Netizens: I didn’t expect


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The more mountains and rivers a person has in his heart,

The easier it is to be emotional about every plant and tree,

The more ruthless

——There are always times when one cannot understand a strange personality.

Do you know who said this philosophical statement?

Yes, that one looks a bit fierce.

It's kind of funny actually

Having a "giant baby in life"

“Chinese version of Santa Claus, Thor and Aquaman”

The title of Mr. Xu Jinjiang said

Relying on the "unique" style of doing things

He is on the hot search list again

Rated by insiders as

Erotic on the front, literary on the back

Professional painting, amateur level 3

Looks like a tough guy, but actually a softhearted person

But he said he was an artist

Held art exhibitions and carved portraits

Designed posters and remodeled buildings

Participated in avant-garde art

Issued stamps with his own artwork

Anything related to art

He is interested in trying

Really "playing" art to the extreme

He is Guan Shanyue's disciple and also a student of the Academy of Fine Arts

Compared to being an actor

Xu Jinjiang's painting career started much earlier

He said he had to thank his father


Xu Jinjiang was born in a medical family in Heilongjiang

His father was a skilled doctor and a helpful person.

Make a lot of friends

Painted "Such a Beautiful Countryside" for the Great Hall of the People

Guan Shanyue, the second generation master of the Lingnan School of Painting, is an old friend of their family.

▲Guan Shanyue

▲Fu Baoshi and Guan Shanyue: "Such a Beautiful Countryside"

His father originally wanted Xu Jinjiang to practice medicine

Seeing that he liked painting, he entrusted him to Guan Shanyue.

From then on, Xu Jinjiang became Guan Shanyue's last disciple.

Started to learn painting systematically

The time when I learned painting from Guan Shanyue

It is very precious to Xu Jinjiang

When Master Guan was in poor health

Xu Jinjiang will take his place to attend cultural activities

I'll report back after I see it.

Xu Jinjiang described that period as "crash study"

“Modern dance, drama, art exhibition

I go to all cultural events.

I will communicate with Teacher Guan Shanyue after I come back.

This has helped me tremendously in my artistic journey.

With the guidance of famous experts and hardworking and studious

Xu Jinjiang's painting skills have improved by leaps and bounds

Later, he was admitted to one of the eight major art academies in China.

Guangzhou Art College

When Xu Jinjiang was enjoying his painting time

His father passed away

With his source of income cut off, he began to make a living by painting.

But there is always a lack of luck

I spent a lot of time drawing but didn't come up with anything

Forced by life, I had to stop painting and look for other ways.

Art gave him a second life

Give up painting to act, lose yourself

Xu Jinjiang is tall and has mixed blood genes

I am often told by my friends that I am suitable to be a model.

After leaving the painting world

He started trying modeling and singing jobs.

And accidentally entered the Hong Kong Wireless Artist Training Class

Became a classmate with Andy Lau, Wu Jiali, and Tony Leung Ka Fai

Because he looks rough and fierce

Compared with his classmates, Xu Jinjiang is not doing well in the entertainment industry

Not only the role is soy sauce

Most of the roles he can get are villains in "erotic films"

One after another, he once shot 13 films in one year.

The high-intensity work has doubled his pressure.

I burst into tears as soon as I finished work

I was terrified when I saw the crew's car.

He said

“I really couldn’t find myself for a while.

The busiest time is in mainland China in the morning and in Taiwan in the evening.

I woke up in the middle of the night and didn’t know where I was.”

▲ Xu Jinjiang's "Wandering"

Apart from the unhappiness of the acting job

His creative path suffered another "severe blow"

In 1997, he published a nude photo album.

Not only was he attacked by the outside world, but even his family was against him.

At that time, the only person who supported him was his teacher Guan Shanyue.

And titled the photo album "Xing Shen Ji"

Unfortunately, Guan Shanyue also died of illness later.

After suffering a series of setbacks, Xu Jinjiang gradually lost himself

Falling into depression

The worst time

He often thought of death, and in the middle of the night he would stand by the window

I said to my wife, "It must have been very beautiful when my brother left!"

Rediscovering oneself through art

Xu Jinjiang immersed in the world of depression

In 2012, Guan Shanyue's birthday was celebrated

The Centennial Exhibition ushered in a new turning point

Guan Shanyue's daughter encouraged him to pick up the paintbrush again

Finding oneself in art

The loneliness in your heart can only be solved by yourself

Xu Jinjiang picked up the paintbrush and carving knife again

Examine yourself, draw yourself, carve yourself

His studio is filled with his own works.

Describing with every stroke and carving with every cut

Intact, incomplete, are his truest image

The images created by Xu Jinjiang are often very simple

A lonely bird and a dead tree

Two or three wild grasses, a few small fish

In the free-spirited way, it reveals the meaning of being away from the hustle and bustle

▲Xu Jinjiang's "Hurry to Return"

▲Impression of Huangshan

The stubborn artist

Holding an art exhibition but not selling any works

Liang Jiahui once commented on Xu Jinjiang in a program

It hasn't changed in all these years.

He also treats art in this way

I have always been stubborn and stick to my original intention.

For example, for most artists

Exhibitions are often held to increase fame and sell works better.

But Xu Jinjiang is not


Xu Jinjiang held his first show at Times Art Museum

The exhibition I curated myself, "A Slowly Painted River"

Long before this, he had been invited to art exhibitions.

But he rejected most of them.

He believes that "if you really want to hold an art exhibition,

You have to be demanding of yourself.”

As he kept rejecting exhibition invitations

The young artists who lived next to his studio expressed great envy.

I hope he can lead everyone to find opportunities to show themselves.

For these young people

Xu Jinjiang seemed to see his former self

Decided to hold an exhibition

Promote these talented artists

At this exhibition

Xu Jinjiang exhibited more than 30 of his works

Many people want to spend a lot of money to get a piece of work

But he was reluctant to sell one

In fact, long before that, there were professional collection magazines.

I bought his paintings for 28,000 yuan per square foot, but he didn't sell them.

A collector offered 1.5 million

Buy his ink painting titled "The Dragon Sends Strength, the Silk Shirt is Wet"

He still didn't want to sell it

▲Xu Jinjiang's "The Silk Shirt is Wet with the Strength of the Dragon"

Some people say that he was too stubborn and gave up the opportunity to make a lot of money.

But he said

Every time someone talks about buying a painting, I feel like it's like selling a child. I can't bear to do it.

Over the years, Xu Jinjiang has never sold a painting

About Xu Jinjiang's works

The famous art critic Ji Tainian once commented

"There are many people in the Chinese entertainment industry who play with calligraphy and painting.

But some people just use their fame to hype themselves up.

Xu Jinjiang is not like this, he can be considered to be at a high level.

Spend a lot of money to build an art center

Talented people must love talent

To help young artists

Create a stage for showcasing artistic talent

Xu Jinjiang invested a lot of money to establish the "Xu Jinjiang Art Center"

Xu Jinjiang is very attentive to the art center

After field visits to Fujian, Chongqing, Anhui and other places

Finally, he was in Anhui with

Stopped in front of the 150-year-old building

▲Changes to the front facade of the Xu Jinjiang Art Center

He said

“That is a temple, look at it

I knew it was destined to connect with me.

It's been waiting for me, and I've been looking for it

Its life has stopped, it is waiting for me to revitalize it

I gave it a new lease of life using today’s materials and stories.”

In order to create the art center in mind

From design drawings to decoration construction and even

The selection of materials was handled by Xu Jinjiang one by one

In fact, when Xu Jinjiang decided to

When the Art Center was established

Many people poured cold water on him.

Tell him that the location is so remote that he will definitely lose money

Regarding external doubts

Xu Jinjiang is persistent and calm

Answer with a smile“If it loses money, I will make movies to support it.

Now, under his careful management

The art center has attracted many young artists

Every year, many students from art majors

Students come here to participate in work

Only collect works by artists you like

In addition to creating

Xu Jinjiang is still a hidden collector

He collects art, but rarely spends it.

Not for money, just because I like this artist

In addition to his mentor Guan Shanyue, his collection list also includes

There are also the second generation of Lingnan School

Painters Li Xiongcai and Yang Shanshen

Guangdong oil painting master Chen Yanning

And the stone tiger that he had "caught" with great difficulty

▲Works by Li Xiongcai

▲Works by Yang Shanshen

▲Works by Chen Yanning

Xu Jinjiang's "star chasing" Shi Hu was a coincidence

Once, he was in an airplane magazine

I saw the works of the painter Shi Hu and I really liked them. I want to meet him.

After several months of inquiries

Almost visited every place where the stone tiger might appear

Finally, Xu Jinjiang in Zhuhai

Find the Shihu in the cafe

▲Shi Hu's works

The other party was moved by his sincerity and became his close friend.

He also gave him a huge calligraphy piece to encourage him to do art well.

▲Shi Hu presented calligraphy to Xu Jinjiang

Now, Xu Jinjiang, who is over 50 years old,

Although he has never been the "protagonist" in the film

But he truly became the director and protagonist of his own life.

He has experienced setbacks and has had brilliant

Live and create as you please

Going around in circles

Xu Jinjiang finally found his happiness in the world of art

Find the lost self

He is a down-to-earth artist

Still the "boy" who concentrates on painting