
Another breakthrough in longevity drugs? Funds are chasing after them crazily, and concept stocks are rising! The performance is expected to be good across the board, with the highest increase exceeding 10 times. The data of this sector is impressive


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Data is a treasure

Data treasure

Less worries about stock trading

Nearly 80% of industrial metal stocks are expected to report positive performance, with copper and aluminum industries becoming the main drivers of profitability.

Today, the three major stock indexes opened low and ended high, with heavyweight stocks collectively strengthening.China Mobile and Yangtze Power hit new historical highs; Lithography machine and photoresist concept stocks collectively exploded; the industrial mother machine sector strengthened in the afternoon. Consumer electronics, mixed reality, copper high-speed connection, PCB and other sectors led the decline.

Shuanglu PharmaceuticalAfter lunch, it rose sharply and hit the daily limit, with a total transaction volume of 166 million yuan.

On the news front, a research team from Duke-NUS Medical School recently published a research paper in the journal Nature.This study reports the pro-aging effects of the pro-inflammatory protein IL-11The research team found that the pro-inflammatory protein IL-11 can prevent metabolic decline, multiple age-related diseases and physical weakness, and extend the lifespan of mice by an average of 24.9%. In addition, inhibiting IL-11 can also reduce the incidence of age-related cancers. This discovery will promote clinical trials to delay human aging by intervening in IL-11, and develop new anti-aging therapies to cope with the global aging trend.

Some self-media published an article saying that this is the latest catalyst and pointed out that Shuanglu Pharmaceutical is the authentic target. The reason is that in March 2021, Shuanglu Pharmaceutical responded on the investor interaction platform that the company's current exports mainly include G-CSF, IL-11, IL-2, cyclosporine soft capsules, paclitaxel, octreotide, asparaginase and other varieties.

However, it is worth noting that the IL-11 mentioned in Shuanglu Pharmaceutical's response refers to recombinant human interleukin-11 for injection, not the pro-inflammatory protein IL-11.

Industrial metals have performed well this year

Since the beginning of this year, the prices of major energy and resource commodities such as international crude oil and nonferrous metals have shown an upward trend. Against the backdrop of gold prices continuing to hit new highs, the precious metals sector in the nonferrous metals industry led the gains, with a cumulative increase of 41.59% this year, ranking first in the Shenwan Secondary Industry Index.

With the development of new energy vehicles and photovoltaic industries, the demand for industrial metals continues to increase, and this sub-sector has also been popular in the market. According to statistics from Securities Times Databao, the industrial metal sector has performed well, with a cumulative increase of 20.53% this year, ranking fourth in the Shenwan Secondary Industry Index.

Looking at individual stocks, in the industrial metal sector, 7 stocks have risen by more than 30% this year.Northern Copper, Industrial Silver and Tin, Zijin MiningThe share prices of the two companies have risen by 72.8%, 64.25% and 49.92% respectively during the year.

Nearly 80% of stocks have positive earnings forecasts

According to statistics from Securities Times Databao, among industrial metal concept stocks, nearly half of the stocks have released their first-half performance forecasts, of which the number of stocks with positive performance forecasts accounts for nearly 80%, and the copper and aluminum industries have become the main drivers of industry profits.

Based on the lower limit of the forecast net profit, the companies with the highest net profit in the first half of the year areZijin Mining. The company's performance is expected to increase slightly, with a forecast net profit of about 14.55 billion yuan to 15.45 billion yuan, a net profit change of about 41.00% to 50.00% compared with the same period last year. In the first half of the year, the company's mineral gold, mineral copper, and mineral silver sales prices all increased year-on-year. The company's mineral gold output in the first half of the year was about 35.4 tons, a year-on-year increase of 9.6%; mineral copper output was about 518,000 tons, a year-on-year increase of 5.3%; mineral silver output was about 210.3 tons, a year-on-year increase of 1.3%.

The stocks with the highest lower limit of net profit forecast are almost all from the aluminum industry.Aluminum Corporation of China, Yunnan Aluminum Corporation, Tianshan Aluminum Corporation, Nanshan Aluminum Corporation, Mingtai Aluminum CorporationThe net profit is expected to exceed 1 billion yuan, with a significant money-making effect.

Aluminum Corporation of China expects its net profit in the first half of the year to be 6.5 billion to 7.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 90% to 114%. Yunnan Aluminum expects its net profit in the first half of the year to be 2.4 billion to 2.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 58.42% to 71.62%. The company said that the reason for the performance growth was the significant increase in the capacity load rate of electrolytic aluminum. At the same time, the company seized the market opportunity of rising aluminum prices and continued to increase marketing efforts, resulting in a significant year-on-year increase in the production and sales of aluminum products.

Judging from the lower limit of the forecast net profit growth rate,Guocheng MiningThe company's performance increased the most, and the company predicted a net profit of about 40.3 million to 49.5 million yuan, a change of about 1040.42% to 1300.76% compared with the same period last year. The company's performance increased mainly due to the increase in the output of silver concentrate and the sales price of silver concentrate and other products compared with the same period last year.

Chang Aluminum, Yongmaotai, Xingye Silver Tin, Jiaozuo Wanfang, Tianshan AluminumThe net profit growth rate exceeded 100%, and the performance doubled.

Statement: All information content of Databao does not constitute investment advice. The stock market is risky and investment should be cautious.

Editor: Lin Lifeng

Proofreading: Yang Lilin

Data treasure