
Nintendo announces Switch game download list for the first half of 2024, with Xigua Game topping the list


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Nintendo of Japan announced the Switch game download rankings for the first half of 2024. The statistical period is from January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024. Interestingly, the game ranked first is not Nintendo's first-party or third-party game, but the "synthetic watermelon" game "Watermelon Game" that has been popular from last year to this year.

The second place is "Monster Hunter: Rise", and the third place is "Nickelodeon All-Star Smash Bros. Ultimate". The best first-party game is "Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door", which ranks seventh.

Why is this list so weird? First of all, this is the eshop download list, so games that have not launched physical versions have an absolute advantage on this list. In addition, Japanese players are still keen on physical versions of games, so you can see small games dominating the list. In addition, the two games "Monster Hunter: Rise" and "Nickelodeon All-Stars Smash: Ultimate Edition" are on the list because they have recently started historically low discounts. For example, the price of "Nickelodeon All-Stars Smash" was only 5 yuan after the discount, which led to a surge in sales.

Top 10 list:

1. Watermelon Game

2. Monster Hunter: Rise

3. Nickelodeon All-Stars Smash Ultimate Edition

4. Overcooked 2

5. Minecraft

6. Ace Attorney 123: The Best of Wright

7. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

8. The Incredible Labyrinth: The Wind Comes from Xilin 6: Skull Island Adventure Record

9. Super Mario Bros.: Surprise

10. Spradlane 3